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Current topics
- Out of State Licensees - 2SHB 1724 Substantial Equivalency
In 2023, the Legislature passed Second Substitute House Bill 1724 (2SHB 1724) (PDF). This bill will help expand the trained behavioral health workforce. Section 8 of the bill requires disciplining authorities to waive educational, training, experience, and examination documentation if a provider:
- Holds a credential in a substantially equivalent state;
- The credential is in good standing for at least two years; and
- There is no interruption in licensure for more than 90 days.
Each profession will have a list of states and credentials that qualify for substantial equivalency. If your state is eligible, applicants must meet all rules found in RCW 18.130.077. This includes but is not limited to submitting an application and paying any application and licensing fees.
Qualifying applicants will not need to take any examinations or verify their education, experience, or licensure examination results. If your state is not substantially equivalent, you will continue with the standard application process.
If you have questions about substantial equivalency, please contact your program manager.
- Health Equity Continuing Education - ESSB 5229
Beginning January 1, 2024 the Department of Health has implemented Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5229 (chapter 276, laws 2021) (PDF) that requires health care professionals credentialed under Title 18 RCW, and subject to continuing education requirements, complete health equity continuing education training. This training must be taken at least once every four years. Please see our Health Equity Continuing Education webpage for more information.
- Social Worker Supervised Experience Hours - SSHB 1724
2SHB 1724 was signed into law effective immediately on May 11, 2023.
- Changes are made to the licensing requirements for advanced social workers and independent clinical social workers. In addition, the following changes are made to licensing requirements for the professions
- Advanced social workers: an applicant's doctoral degree may be from any university accredited by a recognized accrediting organization, instead of only the Council on Social Work Education. The supervised experience hours for all applicants are reduced from 3,200 hours to 3,000 hours. The requirement that at least 50 hours be supervised by a licensed advanced social worker or licensed independent clinical social worker is eliminated.
- Independent social workers: an applicant's doctoral degree may be from any university accredited by a recognized accrediting organization, instead of only the Council on Social Work Education. The supervised experience hours for all applicants are reduced from 4,000 hours to 3,000 hours over two years instead of three years. The hours of experience that must be directly supervised are reduced from 130 hours to 100 hours.
- Washington State Medical Professional Telemedicine Training
Beginning January 1, 2021, health care professionals (excluding physicians) who are offering telemedicine services to patients, are required to complete telemedicine training. Please see the Department of Health policy statement with additional information related to this requirement (PDF) for more information.
To learn more about the different training options available and access additional resources, please visit the Washington State Telehealth Collaborative Training page. To complete the free and publicly available telemedicine training, please select enroll and create a Canvas account to access the Washington State Medical Professional Telemedicine Training.
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