Our staff provide consultative and technical support to local health jurisdictions and develop guidance documents for various technologies. We review proprietary wastewater system products to verify they meet testing protocol requirements and maintain a list of products meeting the requirements for use throughout the state.
Approved / Registered On-site Products – Applications for approval/registration of an on-site sewage product and lists of products that are approved/registered for use in Washington State.
Recommended Standards and Guidance Documents – Recommended standards and guidance for performance, application, design, and operation and maintenance for on-site sewage system technologies used in Washington State.
Management Plan, Areas, Roles, and Puget Sound Funding
Technical Advisory Group – The Technical Advisory Group (TAG) represents different areas of practice (designers, installers, maintenance specialists), local regulators, and manufacturers. The purpose of the TAG is to advise the department on technical matters regarding on-site sewage system design and location, development of standards and guidance, and the review of on-site sewage technologies.
For questions, contact the Wastewater Management Section or call 360-236-3330.