Community Outreach Resources

Washington State is a very diverse state, and the strategies we use to communicate with one group of people might not work for others. To ensure that we reach out to different segments of the population when planning for or responding to an emergency, we first need to know our community and understand their demographic characteristics. Secondly, we need to identify the key stakeholders and trusted people who can help disseminate our message. Finally, we need to contact English and non-English media that can help us reach out to the different segments of the population.

To help you in your planning for and during an emergency, this section provides you with demographic links, as well as links to community-based organizations, trusted sources and media contacts. If you know of any other sources or directories we could include, please email

Demographic Data

Easy-to-understand county and statewide demographic information.

Community-Based Organizations

Find links to statewide directories of community-based organizations that can help you reach out to vulnerable populations.


Find links to media contacts as well as non-English media.