DOH Newsroom - Health News

Jul 25 CrowdStrike crash and summer slowdown lead to steep drop in blood donations
Jul 22 致力于改善每个人健康和福祉的全新“Be Well WA”计划
Jul 18 New “Be Well WA” initiative aims to improve everyone’s wellness and health
Jul 16 致力于捕捉不安全食品信息以及保护人们健康的华盛顿州全新食源性疾病通知系统 (FINS)
Jul 16 与 Diamond Shruumz 品牌含蘑菇成分的产品有关的严重疾病
Jul 15 Washington’s new Foodborne Illness Notification System (FINS) aims to catch unsafe food and protect people’s health
Jul 15 Severe illness linked to Diamond Shruumz mushroom-containing products
Jul 12 州机构宣布了围产期物质使用卓越中心认证的首批获得者
Jul 10 State agencies announce first recipients of Centers of Excellence for Perinatal Substance Use certification
Jul 03 独立日期间请注意安全且保持清凉
Jul 02 Stay safe and cool this Independence Day
Jun 24 Lewis 县、Mason 县、Pierce 县以及 Thurston 县新的艾滋病病毒 (HIV) 个案管理服务提供方
Jun 20 New HIV case management providers in Lewis, Mason, Pierce, and Thurston Counties
Jun 17 以预约一次可以拯救生命的献血行动来庆祝世界献血者日
Jun 13 威拉帕湾部分区域重新开放商业性贝类捕捞活动
Jun 13 Celebrate World Blood Donor Day by scheduling a lifesaving donation
Jun 12 “准备好应对烟雾周”活动引起了广大公众对野火和烟雾所带来的健康风险的广泛关注
Jun 11 Parts of Willapa Bay reopen for commercial shellfish harvesting
Jun 10 Smoke Ready Week brings attention to health risks from wildfires and smoke
Jun 07 华盛顿州太平洋沿岸的贝类中检测发现存在非安全含量的麻痹性贝类毒素
Jun 05 Unsafe levels of Paralytic Shellfish Poison detected in shellfish along Washington’s Pacific Coast
May 23 Department of Health announces winners of third annual statewide high school science contest
May 23 Department of Health 公布第三届年度全州高中科学竞赛获奖者名单
May 16 Washington State Department of Health 呼吁广大游泳人士在随着预报天气升温享受游泳乐趣的同时务必要注意安全
May 16 Department of Health 现已上线新的围产期数据可视化面板