2024 News

Jun 14 State revokes, suspends licenses, certifications, registrations of health care providers
Jun 14 Celebre el Día Mundial del Donante de Sangre con una donación heroica
Jun 13 威拉帕湾部分区域重新开放商业性贝类捕捞活动
Jun 13 Celebrate World Blood Donor Day by scheduling a lifesaving donation
Jun 13 Se abren áreas de la bahía de Willapa para recolección comercial de mariscos
Jun 12 State disciplines health care providers
Jun 12 “准备好应对烟雾周”活动引起了广大公众对野火和烟雾所带来的健康风险的广泛关注
Jun 11 Parts of Willapa Bay reopen for commercial shellfish harvesting
Jun 11 La Semana Listos para el Humo informa sobre los riesgos para la salud de los incendios forestales y el humo
Jun 10 Smoke Ready Week brings attention to health risks from wildfires and smoke
Jun 07 华盛顿州太平洋沿岸的贝类中检测发现存在非安全含量的麻痹性贝类毒素
Jun 06 Pierce County massage therapist suspended due to patient injury during massage treatment
Jun 06 Concentraciones perjudiciales de veneno paralizante de mariscos detectadas en la costa del Pacífico en Washington
Jun 05 Unsafe levels of Paralytic Shellfish Poison detected in shellfish along Washington’s Pacific Coast
May 31 Clark County dentist suspended due to practicing outside the scope of his licenses and failing to meet the standard of care
May 31 State revokes, suspends licenses, certifications, registrations of health care providers
May 30 State disciplines health care providers
May 23 Department of Health 公布第三届年度全州高中科学竞赛获奖者名单
May 23 El Departamento de Salud anuncia a los ganadores del tercer concurso anual de ciencias para estudiantes de secundaria
May 23 Department of Health announces winners of third annual statewide high school science contest
May 23 State revokes, suspends licenses, certifications, registrations of health care providers
May 22 State disciplines health care providers
May 22 Yakima County treatment provider suspended due to crossing professional boundaries with a minor patient
May 20 State revokes, suspends licenses, certifications, registrations of health care providers
May 17 El Departamento de Salud del Estado de Washington les pide a los nadadores que prioricen su seguridad ya que el pronóstico será caluroso