Dawn Mining Company Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) History


July 1980

Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Dawn Mining Company Mill Tailings Expansion Project (DEIS, 1980 - 1 volume)

October 1980

Revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Dawn Mining Company Mill Tailings Expansion Project (RDEIS, 1980 - 1 volume)

January 1981

Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Dawn Mining Company Mill Tailings Expansion Project (FEIS, 1981 - 1 volume)

February 1989

Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Proposed Closure of the Dawn Mining Company Uranium Millsite (DEIS, 1989 - 2 volumes)

May 1991

Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Proposed Closure of the Dawn Mining Company Uranium Millsite (SDEIS, 1991 - 1 volume)

November 1991

Final Environmental Impact Statement, Closure of the Dawn Mining Company Uranium Millsite in Ford, Washington (FEIS, 1991 - 3 volumes)

July 1994

Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Closure of the Dawn Mining Company Uranium Millsite (DSEIS, 1994 - 1 volume)

December 1994

Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, Closure of the Dawn Mining Company Uranium Millsite (FSEIS, 1994 - 1 volume)

Historical Documents

Dawn Mining SEPA Document, Department of Ecology SEPA Register