Rules in Progress

The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule-making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.

To get updates about rule making and other topics related to acupuncture or Eastern medicine practitioners, subscribe for updates at the bottom of the page.

Current rules in progress

Expanding opportunities for English Based Examinations

On January 22, 2025 the Department of Health in consultation with the Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine Advisory Committee filed a CR-101 as WSR 25-04-007 with the code reviser's office proposing to consider amendments to WAC 246-803-130, Application Requirements for Applicants from Foreign Schools and WAC 246-803-240, Examinations to allow the acceptance of the Occupational English Test.

As part of the rulemaking process, the department welcomes your participation during rulemaking workshops. During the workshop we welcome ideas, concerns and general comments on how to develop regulations pertaining to the proposed amendments. Interested parties will be notified through GovDelivery of workshops as they are scheduled.

**CR 101 Clarification: WAC 24-803-103 Applications Requirements for Applicants from Foreign School in the Subject of possible rulemaking should read as WAC 246-803-130.**

Rule changes

The Department of Health occasionally makes changes to rules. The department determines rule changes are necessary for many reasons including: legislative law changes, request to change a rule, national standards change, and updating outdated rule language. The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.

To get updates about rule making and other topics related to acupuncture and Eastern medicine practitioners, please subscribe. After entering your email address, choose Health Systems Quality Assurance, Health Professions, Acupuncture List.

Recently completed rule changes

Point Injection Therapy

The Department of Health filed a CR 103, permanent rule, for WAC 246-803-040. This was filed on November 22, 2024 as WSR #24-24-029.

The Department of Health opened Chapter 246-803 WAC. The adopted amendments 
to WAC 246-803-040 retains the 24 hours of education and training for those practitioners employing point injection therapy, however, not all training must be in-person. The amended rule requires:

  • 16 hours must be in-person, and eight of these hours must be hands-on clinical practical experience; and
  • The remaining eight hours may be obtained through live interactive webinar or in-person. 
Health equity continuing education training requirements

The department opened chapter 246-803 WAC to amend the rules to implement the following legislation:
Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill (ESSB) 5229 (CHAPTER 276, Laws of 2021):
Adds two hours of health equity education, as required in the model rules, to be completed as part of the current continuing education requirements every four years.
The Department adopted the rules at a public rules hearing held on August 15, 2023, by webinar. The Department thanks everyone who participated in the rule-making process. 
The Department adopted the language as published with the office of the Code Reviser under WSR 23-17-085 on August 15, 2023. The rule became effective September 15, 2023. 

Fee changes effective June 1, 2023

The Department of Health filed a CR-103, permanent rule, for WAC 246-803-990. The permanent rule adjusts fee amounts for acupuncturists or acupuncture and Eastern medicine practitioners.

The adopted change will more closely align revenue with expenses for the profession, while enabling reserves to be maintained should unanticipated events occur. The new amounts will apply to credentials that are due on or after June 1, 2023.

Acupuncturist or Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine Practitioner Certification Fee

Current Fee Fee effective June 1, 2023
License application $100 License application $60
License renewal $196 License renewal $90
Late renewal penalty $105 Late renewal penalty $50

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