Rules in Progress

The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule-making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.

To get updates about rule making and other topics related to dental hygienists, subscribe for updates at the bottom of the page.

Current Rules in Progress

Access to Dental Care for Children

WAC 246-814

The Department of Health in consultation with the Dental Quality Assurance Commission and Dental Hygiene Examining Committee are considering making amendments to WAC 246-814-020, Practices authorized and WAC 246-814-030, Application process and documentation of training required for endorsement for the following reasons:

  • WAC 246-814-020, to include Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) to practices authorized in school-based and school-linked program settings for dental hygienists and dental assistants. 
  • WAC 246-814-030, to amend the requirement that dental assistants and their supervising dentists, as well as dental hygienists coordinate with established local oral health coalitions by participating in oral health coalition meetings that may be held in the geographical region.

Email comments on proposed rules to the dental hygiene program manager.

WSR 25-04-089 (PDF)

Dental Hygienist Compact

WAC 246-815

The Department of Health in consultation with the Dental Hygiene Examining Committee filed a CR-101 Preproposal Statement of Inquiry as WSR 24-21-056 on October 9, 2024. The department and the committee are considering adding new sections to chapter 246-815 WAC to implement provisions of Engrossed Substitute House Bill (ESHB) 1576 (chapter 297, Laws of 2023), which creates a new interstate compact for dental hygienists and gives member states the discretion to charge a fee for granting compact privileges. 

Recently Completed Rule Changes

The Secretary of Health has adopted WAC 246-815-145, dental hygiene continuing education (CE) requirements. The adopted rule adds two hours of health equity education to be completed as part of the current continuing education requirements. The adopted rule does not change the total number of dental hygienist CE hours but requires two hours in health equity CE every four years. 
You may learn more on the Health Equity Continuing Education webpage. The page includes information about:

  • Background information
  • Course requirements
  • Free trainings
  • Paid trainings
  • Education opportunities

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