Finding Dental Care


Washington Information Network 2-1-1 - Access the 2-1-1 database by selecting “Search” from in the link. Search for dental resources by city, county, or zip code. If you do not find the service you need, please dial 2-1-1 from anywhere in Washington to speak to an Information & Referral Specialist for assistance. A call center is available with translators for all languages. If you are calling from an out-of-state number, please dial toll-free: 1-877-211-WASH (9274).

The Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) - SHIBA provides free, unbiased help to people on Medicare in local communities around the state. Spanish available. 1-800-562-6900. - Apply online for Apple Health for Kids, Washington's free and low cost health insurance program for children under age 19, which provides medical and dental coverage. Families can find referrals for children's dental clinics and programs by calling the Family Health Hotline 1-800-322-2588 or using the online Resource Finder.

The Center for Pediatric Dentistry (CPD) - CPD is a collaboration of the University of Washington and Seattle Children's. CPD provides comprehensive and specialty dental care to children of all ages, including children with special needs. Medicaid accepted. 206-543-5800

American Indian Dental Services (PDF) - This brochure lists contact information for all Tribal Dental Clinics in Washington State.

WACMHC - The Washington Association of Community & Migrant Health Centers is committed to improving the oral health status of all who seek care in Washington State.

ABCD Program - If you are the parent or guardian of a child under the age of six who is insured by Medicaid, he or she is eligible for the ABCD program. To find an ABCD-certified dentist in your community, contact your local ABCD program.