Respiratory Protection Program Guidance Classes

Online Classes for Long-term Care Facilities

DOH offers online classes to help LTCFs create their Respiratory Protection Program! These classes repeat each week.

Navigating the 3M Online System for Medical Evaluations

Learn how to navigate the 3M online system for respirator medical evaluations. DOH offers this class on Friday mornings, from 10:00 to 10:30 a.m.

July 19th will be the last 3M online system for medical evaluations webinar offered through DOH.

Register for 3M Online System for Medical Evaluations

Written Respirator Program and Employee N95 User Training

Customize your written respirator program and your employee N95 User Training program. DOH offers this class on Tuesday afternoons, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m.

July 23rd will be the last written respirator program and N95 user training webinar offered through DOH. We will be adding an e-learning for the N95 user training in the future, please check back for updates.

Register for Written Respirator Program and Employee N95 User Training

Important! We move through the class content quickly. For this class, you will need to download the two templates below. We strongly recommend you print out both templates before the class to take notes on.

On-line Lunch and Learn

DOH hosts monthly, 30-minute Lunch and Learn sessions on topics about the respiratory protection program (see the schedule below). Each session starts at 12 p.m. on Zoom.

Register for Lunch and Learn

  • June 5, 2024: My employee did not pass the fit test, what should I do?
  • July 3, 2024: Overview of Respirator Program evaluation (review rule, program eval)
  • July 17, 2024: DOH resources - Intro to fit testing video (or any other video/resources we have)

Fit Tester Training

DOH offers free on-line training for LTC facilities interested in learning to do their own fit testing. You will need to complete ALL prerequisite work prior to the Virtual Fit Test Training session. It is our expectation that you will attend the training session prepared and will come with questions. Sign up for Fit Tester Training using the links listed below.

July 24th will be the last fit test training webinar offered through DOH. We will be adding an e-learning for this in future, please check back for updates.

July Dates