You can get a copy of an original (pre-adoption) non-certified birth certificate if you are:
- An adoptee 18 years or older and your birth parent has not filed contact preference form indicating they do not want the original birth certificate released. Send us:
- A completed Adoptee's Request for Original Birth Certificate from a Sealed File (DOH 422-102)
- The non-refundable $20.00 fee per copy.
- Current state issued pictured identification or passport.
- A birth parent - send us:
- A completed Birth Parent Request for Original Birth Certificate from an Adoption Sealed File (DOH 422-103).
- As a birth parent, you may choose to share or protect your personal information. For more information, visit the Adoption Law webpage.
- The non-refundable fee of $15.00 for opening a sealed file.
- Current state issued pictured identification or passport.
- A completed Birth Parent Request for Original Birth Certificate from an Adoption Sealed File (DOH 422-103).
It is important to know that the sealed files with the original birth certificates are not located in our office. It may take several weeks or more for us to access the record.
For more information, visit the Adoption Law webpage.
Where do I send my forms and fees?
Make check or money order payable to the Department of Health.
Mailing address:
Attn: Adoptions
Center for Health Statistics
PO Box 9709
Olympia, WA 98507-9709
Searching for Birth Parents or an Adopted Person
An adopted person over the age of 21, or a birth-parent or member of the birth parent’s family, may petition the Superior Court in the county of adoption to appoint a Confidential Intermediary to search for the birth parent(s) or adopted person.
Non-identifying information may be disclosed to adoptee by the adoption agency that handled the adoption or the court in which the adoption was granted.
For questions contact our office at 360-236-4300 or email us at