Newborn Screening Facility Search:
Provider ID / Type | Provider | Address | Phone / FAX |
C1002 Clinic |
Issaquah Primary Care Associates | Issaquah Primary Care Associates |
P:4253913737 F:4253921510 |
C2016 Clinic |
Issaquah Valley Natural Medicine | Issaquah Valley Natural Medicine |
P:4253917338 |
M9563 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Ivy Warwick | Ivy Warwick |
P:5095529927 F:5094170795 |
M0813 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
J Michelle Gober, LM | J Michelle Gober, LM |
P:8177730588 F:3608417759 |
C1826 Clinic |
James B. Graber, Do, Office | James B. Graber, Do, Office |
P:2538508750 F:2538508464 |
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