Newborn Screening Facility Search:
Provider ID / Type | Provider | Address | Phone / FAX |
H0140 Hospital |
Kittitas Valley Healthcare Attn: Health Information Mgmt |
Kittitas Valley Healthcare |
P:5099629841 F:5099627413 |
H0008 Hospital |
Klickitat Valley Hospital Attn: Medical Records |
Klickitat Valley Hospital |
P:5097734022 F:5097733354 |
C2328 Clinic |
Kootenai Medical Center | Kootenai Medical Center |
P:2086662000 |
M0685 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Kristen Downer CPM LDM | Kristen Downer CPM LDM |
P:5125522943 F:5039269210 |
M0765 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Kristin Effland, LM Wenatchee Midwife Svc and Childbirth Ctr |
Kristin Effland, LM |
P:5096632770 F:5096653869 |
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