Rule making is the process the Department of Health uses when proposing to create, change, or delete rules in order to protect public health. To learn more, see the department’s “What is Rule Making?” webpage.
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Current rules in progress
- Updating references to pharmacy rules within WAC chapters for hospitals, ambulatory surgical facilities, in-home services agencies, and residential treatment facilities.
The Department of Health has filed a CR-102 (PDF) to do expedited rulemaking with proposed language amending WAC 246-320-211 Pharmaceutical services for Hospital licensing regulations in addition to WAC sections for other facility types. The purpose of this rulemaking is to correct references to outdated pharmacy rule citations.
You may provide comments on the proposed rule using one of the following options:
- The Department of Health rules comment webpage
- By email at
- By mail: Attn: Julie Tomaro, P.O. Box 47850, Olympia, WA 98504.
Public Rules Hearing Registration Information for May 6, 2025, at noon.
This public hearing will be held virtually: