Substantially Equivalent States/Countries


RCW 18.83.082 – Temporary Permit

Temporary permits are available only to people who: 

  • are licensed in a state that has been deemed substantially equivalent or;
  • can demonstrate proof of graduating from an APA/CPA accredited doctoral program and successful completion of an APA/CPA/APPIC internship as outlined in WAC 246-924-480(2) or; 
  • are a member of an organization listed in WAC 246-924-100(3).

RCW 18.83.170 – License without oral examination "Endorsement"

Washington state may issue credentials to applicants with credentials in another state based upon the other state's qualifications. The other state's licensing standards must be substantially equivalent to Washington state's licensing qualifications.

New legislative changes due to SHB 1724 will apply new criteria to out of state applicants starting July 23, 2023. To qualify:

  • applicant must come from a state that has been deemed substantially equivalent (see list below), 
  • has been credentialed for at least 2 years in that state, and 
  • has not been subject to disciplinary action.

To apply, applicants should use the endorsement application until further notice. We are working on updating our applications to reflect the new changes.

If your state is blank, then it has not been evaluated yet for substantial equivalency. You may submit an application and the review of your state will be completed once we receive your application. 

Applicants who do not meet the criteria for licensure by endorsement must: 1) fill out the application by examination; 2) have supervisors complete professional reference forms; and 3) graduates from hybrid/online programs must also provide documentation of meeting the residency requirement in WAC 246-924-046(5).


State for Review Date of Review Equivalent?
Alabama July 21, 2023 Yes
Alaska July 21, 2023 Yes
Arizona July 21, 2023 No
Arkansas   Yes

July 21, 2023


July 21, 2023

Connecticut July 21, 2023 Yes
Delaware July 21, 2023 Yes

July 21, 2023

Georgia July 21, 2023 Yes
Hawaii July 21, 2023 Yes
Idaho July 21, 2023 Yes
Illinois July 21, 2023 Yes
Indiana July 21, 2023 Yes
Iowa July 21, 2023 Yes
Kansas July 21, 2023 Yes
Kentucky July 21, 2023 Yes
Louisiana July 21, 2023 Yes
Maine July 21, 2023 Yes
Maryland July 21, 2023 Yes
Massachusetts July 21, 2023 Yes
Michigan July 21, 2023 Yes
Minnesota July 21, 2023 No
Mississippi July 21, 2023 Yes

July 21, 2023



July 21, 2023


July 21, 2023

Nevada July 21, 2023 Yes
New Hampshire July 21, 2023 Yes
New Jersey July 21, 2023 Yes
New Mexico July 21, 2023 Yes
New York July 21, 2023 Yes
North Carolina July 21, 2023 Yes
North Dakota July 21, 2023 Yes
Ohio July 21, 2023 Yes
Oklahoma July 21, 2023 Yes, only the health service provider (HSP) designation is equivalent.
Oregon July 21, 2023 Yes
Pennsylvania July 21, 2023 Yes
Rhode Island July 21, 2023 Yes
South Carolina July 21, 2023 Yes
South Dakota July 21, 2023 No
Tennessee July 21, 2023 Yes, only the health service provider (HSP) designation is equivalent.

July 21, 2023

Utah July 21, 2023 Yes
Vermont July 21, 2023 Yes
Virginia July 21, 2023 Yes
Washington, D.C.

July 21, 2023


West Virginia July 21, 2023 No

July 21, 2023

Wyoming July 21, 2023 Yes

Other Jurisdictions

Jurisdiction for review Date of review Equivalent?
British Columbia November 15, 2013 Not equivalent unless applicants can show that they have completed an internship that meets the requirements as listed in WAC 246-924-056.
Colegio Oficial de la Psicologia de la Palmas, Spain January 30, 2015

No, the Colegio Oficial de la Psicologia de la Palmas, Spain isn't equivalent. Applicants must demonstrate that they meet the following:

  • Educational requirements as listed in WAC 246-924-046
  • The residency requirements as listed in WAC 246-924-046
  • The practicum requirements of WAC 246-924-049
  • The internship requirements listed in WAC 246-924-056
  • Applicants must successfully pass the EPPP.
  • If the applicant cannot document 3,300 hours of supervised experience, then they must document completion of a postdoctoral supervised experience that meets the requirements at listed in WAC 246-924-059
    Applicants must submit the application by endorsement as well as sections 4 and 6 of the application by examination (PDF) and the necessary professional reference forms needed to verify the internship.
Germany September 23, 2016 Not equivalent unless applicant can demonstrate completion of a residency and education requirements.
Guam July 19, 2013 Not equivalent unless applicant can demonstrate completion of a residency and education requirements.
Mexico July 24, 2015 Not equivalent unless applicant can demonstrate completion of a residency and educational requirements.
Puerto Rico January 26, 2018 Not equivalent unless applicant can demonstrate completion of a residency and educational requirements.
Saskatchewan, Canada January 29, 2016 Not equivalent unless applicant can demonstrate completion of an internship that meets the requirements as listed in WAC 246-924-056.
United Kingdom July 25, 2015 Not equivalent unless applicant can demonstrate completion of a residency and educational requirements.