- Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools – ABHES serves as a nationally recognized accrediting agency of institutions predominately providing health education and programmatic accreditation in specific health education disciplines.
- Air Force Personnel Center: Transition
- Army Career and Alumni Program Secure Portal
- Corporate Gray Military to Civilian Career Transition Website – Corporate Gray connects military veterans with employers through its career transition books, military job fairs, and military to civilian website.
- Dantes Career and Transition System for US Military Members
- Healthcare Accrediting Agencies – entering the healthcare field? Make sure that your school of choice is accredited by one of these agencies, all of which are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
- Marines: Manpower and Reserve Affairs - Transition Readiness
- Military Families Washington - Washington State is committed to being the home of choice for military families. Whether you are current or former family of an active duty service member, member of the Reserves or National Guard, or veteran, we want to support you in making Washington the best place to live, work, and thrive.
- My Perfect Resumé
- Naval Education and Training Professional Development Center – Navy College Program
- Navy Personnel Command: Transition Assistance Program
- OARS – Outreach And Resource Services for Women Veterans
- State Approving Agency for Veterans' Education and Training Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC)
- TAOnline.com: Employee Benefits Offered by the Federal Government
- TEACH-NOW Veterans – fully accredited online university that enables Veterans, active duty members and spouse(s) who already have a baccalaureate degree to obtain a teaching certificate within nine months or a master's of education degree in as fast as one year.
- TeacherReady – fully accredited online Teacher Certification Program – become a teacher in less than a year.
- United States Coast Guard: Office of Work-Life Programs – Transition Assistance Program
- United States Department of Veterans Affairs – GI Bill Approved Programs searchable database
- Washington Career Bridge – Washington's one-stop source for career and education planning
- Veterans in State Government – is a new collaborative job resources database housed under the State Human Resources (OFM), and co-jointly maintained by WDVA, and the state-sponsored Veterans Employment Resource Group or VERG.
Please note that some links to federal government websites may be broken due to new presidential executive orders.