DOH Newsroom - Health News

Jun 11 Parts of Willapa Bay reopen for commercial shellfish harvesting
Jun 10 Smoke Ready Week brings attention to health risks from wildfires and smoke
Jun 07 华盛顿州太平洋沿岸的贝类中检测发现存在非安全含量的麻痹性贝类毒素
Jun 05 Unsafe levels of Paralytic Shellfish Poison detected in shellfish along Washington’s Pacific Coast
May 23 Department of Health 公布第三届年度全州高中科学竞赛获奖者名单
May 23 Department of Health announces winners of third annual statewide high school science contest
May 16 Washington State Department of Health 呼吁广大游泳人士在随着预报天气升温享受游泳乐趣的同时务必要注意安全
May 16 Department of Health 现已上线新的围产期数据可视化面板
May 15 Washington State Department of Health calls on swimmers to dive into safety as the forecast heats up
May 15 Department of Health 现已上线 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Campaign 网站
May 15 Department of Health announces new Perinatal Dashboard
May 14 Department of Health launches 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Campaign website
May 08 Joint News Release: Washington joins Age and Dementia-friendly Networks
May 01 加利福尼亚州和华盛顿州的有机核桃仁与大肠杆菌感染有关
May 01 Organic walnuts linked to E. coli infections in Washington, California
Apr 29 粪便污染正在对 15 个热门贝类捕捞区域造成威胁
Apr 25 Fecal pollution threatens 15 popular shellfish harvest areas
Apr 17 Department of Health 公布 2024 年西北地区氡气海报大赛获奖者名单
Apr 15 Department of Health announces 2024 Northwest Radon Poster Contest winners
Apr 10 Washington state will move forward to adopt U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s new federal regulation for PFAS in drinking water
Mar 20 Department of Health 发布了针对 COVID-19 以及其他呼吸道疾病的最新指南
Mar 18 Health Equity Zones Initiative submission period now open for Native communities
Mar 18 Department of Health announces updated guidance for COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses
Mar 15 2023 Healthy Youth Survey 结果表现出了华盛顿州的广大学生们充满希望以及具有一定心理韧性的良好迹象
Mar 14 最新 “Communities Building Resilient Youth” 拨款获得者宣布