Rules in Progress

Rules in Progress

The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule-making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.

To get updates about rule making and other topics related to massage therapists, subscribe for updates at the bottom of the page.

Current rules in progress

  • On March 10, 2023, the Board of Massage in conjunction with the Department of Health filed a CR-101 as WSR #23-07-064 (PDF) with the Office of the Code Reviser proposing to consider amendments to WAC 246-830-035 Licensing by endorsement for out-of-state applicants.
  • On May 24, 2023, the Board of Massage in conjunction with the Department of Health filed a CR-101 as WSR #23-12-002 (PDF) with the Office of the Code Reviser proposing to consider amendments to WAC 246-830-430 Education and training.

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