Quitting tobacco is a great way to improve your health. You have probably heard about the harms of tobacco use and the benefits of quitting smoking, but did you know that your body starts to heal just minutes after your last cigarette?
Of course, nothing worthwhile is easy; it can be hard to quit because nicotine, a chemical in tobacco and many e-cigarettes/vapes, is very addictive – similar to cocaine and heroin. It can take several tries to quit for good, but the more times you try to quit, the more likely you are to succeed on your next try. So, remember: Never quit quitting.
Vaping, or use of e-cigarettes, is not a proven way to quit tobacco. In fact, e-cigarettes with nicotine are tobacco products, so if you vape nicotine, you are still using tobacco. Most people who try to quit smoking with e-cigarettes are not able to completely switch to them, which – according to the U.S. Surgeon General – is the only way to achieve the health benefits of quitting smoking. And, even people who can completely switch are often still addicted to the nicotine, and e-cigarettes are not safe.
Smoking and vaping are expensive, so save your money and rely on free, proven quitting methods, including counseling and FDA-approved medication.
Free help quitting
You can quit for free. Ask your health care provider about quitting or choose from these free programs to help you quit and stay quit.
Washington State Quitline
Since 2000, the Washington State Quitline has helped tens of thousands of Washingtonians quit smoking. You can get free, confidential, one-on-one counseling from a Quit Coach, and may be eligible for free medication to help you quit smoking, vaping, or other tobacco. Register by:
- Calling 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669);
- Visiting quitline.com; or
- Texting READY to 200-400.
Not ready just yet? Click here to learn more about the Quitline and other counseling options.
2Morrow Health smartphone app
2Morrow Health is a free, anonymous, self-guided app-based program that teaches you how to deal with unhelpful thoughts, urges, and cravings caused by nicotine. You can create a profile, select a quit date, and track your progress in quitting vaping, smoking, or other tobacco use.
Click here to learn more about the 2Morrow Health app.
Additional resources
- Self-help options
- Benefits of Quitting (CDC)
- How to Quit (CDC)
- Tips From Former Smokers® (CDC)
- How Much Will You Save? (NIH)
- Making a Plan to Quit Smokeless Tobacco (American Cancer Society)
- Helping Someone Quit Smoking (American Lung Association)
- Helping Teens Quit Smoking and Vaping (American Lung Association)
- Live Vape Free – a free online program to help you talk to your teen about vaping
- Tobacco use and dependence treatment
- Vaping Associated Lung Injury