Application Forms

Last revised date: July 3, 2024

The Certificate of Need (CN) program is a regulatory process that requires certain healthcare providers to obtain state approval before building certain types of facilities or offering new or expanded services.

Program staff members are available to provide technical assistance to you before submitting your application. Staff members are also available to help you determine if a Certificate of Need is necessary.

If you don't see a form for the type of project you are proposing contact program staff members.

Ambulatory surgical facility/center
End stage renal disease or kidney dialysis (WAC 246-310-800 – 833)
Home health
Nursing homes

Applicant resources

Certificate of Need (CoN) applications require a degree of detail to be complete. In an effort to provide additional resources outside of our office staff, the Department of Health provides the following list as a convenience to you (PDF). This listing isn't intended to be an exclusive list of all consultants available in the area of CoN services. By providing these names, the agency isn't indicating an endorsement. Neither the Department of Health nor the CoN program will involve themselves in any issues relating to dissatisfaction regarding a consultant's performance.

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