From research papers to poems, we received many amazing projects in the first year of the Washington Tracking Network Youth Science Contest. Participants showed creativity, insight, and critical thinking in their projects.
Congratulations to all our winners!
We invite you to explore the winning projects below.
- Health Science - Individual Division
1st Place - Relationship Between Hiking and Melanoma in Washington State, by Saisha Lakkoju. Virtual Poster (PDF)
2nd Place (tie) - Mental Health of Washington State Youth, by Cherie Suzuki.
2nd Place (tie) - The Association Between Air Stagnation and Melanoma Incidence in Washington and the Racial Disparity in Melanoma Care, by Jamie K. Paper (PDF)
3rd Place - Connection Between ACEs and Addiction, by Xingjian Ma. Paper (PDF)
- Health Science - Group Division
1st Place - Poverty and Disability in Washington State, by Ankhita Sathanur, Ikshita Sathanur, and Meha Shah. Presentation (PDF)
2nd Place - Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in Washington, by Connor W., Dacotah P., and a student who wishes not to be named here. Presentation (PDF)
- Community Engagement - Individual Division
1st Place - Adolescent Mental Health in Washington, by Minseo K.
2nd Place - STIs in Young Adults, by Simon Feist.
3rd Place - Get Tested Get Treated, by Rachel K. Photos (PDF)
- Community Engagement - Group Division
1st Place - The English Support Network, by Ankhita Sathanur, Ikshita Sathanur, and Meha Shah. Paper (PDF)
2nd Place - A Washington that Works for Everyone: Transportation Reformed, by Christina Jones and Jonnika Kwon. Paper (PDF)
3rd Place - Breast Cancer Screening, by Sarah F. and Gretchen Forsythe. Presentation Deck (PDF), Presentation Script (PDF), and Interview Transcript (PDF)
- Science Communication - Individual Division
1st Place - Secondhand Smoke PSA, by Jonah Chesnut. Flyer (PDF)
2nd Place - Smoking Causes Lung Cancer PSA, by Jazmin Austria-Ball. Virtual brochure (PDF)
- Science Communication - Group Division
1st Place - Fentanyl Facts, by Ankhita Sathanur, Ikshita Sathanur, and Meha Shah. Paper (PDF), Presentation (PDF), and Social Media Post (PNG)
2nd Place - Toxic Survival, by Flora Cummings and Lyla Higgins. Poem (PDF) Paper (PDF)
3rd Place - Asthma Science Communication Project for Teens, by Sofia Vila Vignali, Mila, and Bryan C. Instagram Post (PDF), and Reddit/Twitter Post (PDF)