In 2021, the Department of Health established the POP initiative to help combat the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program has grown to include thousands of health care providers in many different roles, as well as several large and small health care organizations, across the state.
POP efforts have contributed to our state having one of the highest vaccination rates in the country. Endorsed by our state’s top medical organizations, we hope you will join this incredible effort today!
Member Benefits
POP provides up to date, curated COVID-19 information, training opportunities, and educational materials for health care providers, both those who administer COVID-19 vaccines and those who don’t vaccinate but want to encourage vaccination. We’ll save you time and support you in improving patient communication, combatting misinformation, and making sure your staff has the latest clinical guidance.
When you join POP, we will send you a Community Vaccination Partner certificate you can display in your office and provide you with the latest information and resources through peer-to-peer webinars with free continuing education credit, a monthly e-newsletter, and more.
Mission and Vision
Our Mission
Partner with providers to understand and overcome health care barriers and engage, educate, and empower the people of Washington.
Our Vision
Establish partnerships with trusted health care professionals to ensure the health and safety of our communities.
SAVE Intervention
We encourage providers to talk to patients using the SAVE intervention:
- Seek: Seek your patients' COVID-19 vaccination status.
- Ask/educate: If your patient isn't vaccinated, ask them about the vaccine and offer education if they're unsure.
- Vaccinate: If your patient agrees to vaccination, provide them with a COVID-19 vaccine or a referral to a location that provides COVID-19 vaccination.
- Empower: Empower your patients to share their vaccination status with the community.
POP Evaluation Reports
- POP Provider General Summary Results
- POP Provider Survey Resource Summary Report
- POP Provider Interview Highlight
Join Now
To join POP, fill out this brief registration form and we will reach out to welcome you to the program. If you have any questions about POP or the form, please reach out to us at powerofproviders@doh.wa.gov.

Please use this flyer to share information about POP with your colleagues! (PDF)