Athletic Trainer

Rules in Progress

The rules writing process is open to the public. The public is welcome to take part in helping us write rules. Rules are also known as regulations, Washington Administrative Code, or WAC. The rule-making process includes public notices and workshops, and usually a public hearing before a rule becomes final.

Current Rules in Progress

Licensing Requirements for Out-of-State Athletic Trainers

CR-101 (Proposed Rule) – View CR-101 Document (PDF)

The Department of Health, in collaboration with the Athletic Training Advisory Committee, proposes to amend WAC 246-916-030 to comply with 2SHB 1724. This amendment aims to waive certain licensing requirements for out-of-state applicants with substantially equivalent licensing standards, reducing workforce shortages and licensing barriers.

Rules We’ve Completed

Medication Rules for Athletic Trainers

CR-103 (Permanent Rule) – View CR-103 Document (PDF)

The Department of Health, in collaboration with the Athletic Training Advisory Committee, has adopted WAC 246-916-070 in response to SHB 1275. This rule allows athletic trainers to purchase, store, and administer over-the-counter medications and allows physical therapists to purchase, store, and administer prescription medications after completing accredited training programs. The rule clarifies acceptable training programs, and clarifies that for the purpose of this rule, controlled substances are not included in the term prescription medications. 

Revised Continuing Education Requirements in Health Equity 

CR-103 (Permanent Rule) - View WSR #23-22-097 document (PDF)

The continuing education requirements in health equity for athletic trainers have been updated. These changes, which align with SB 5229 (PDF), mandates one hour of health equity education every two years. This hour can be counted towards regular CE hours due every two years. This fulfills the requirement of two hours of health equity education every four years. The rule came into effect on January 1, 2024. Learn more about new health equity training and find free courses on our website.

Contact Information

Reach out to Allyson McIver, program manager, via email ( or call 360-236-2878 with questions, comments, or concerns.

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