Board of Denturists

The mandate of the Board of Denturists is to protect the public's health and safety and to promote the welfare of the state by regulating the competency and quality of professional healthcare providers under its jurisdiction. The board accomplishes this through a variety of activities working with the Department of Health, Health Systems Quality Assurance division.

Become a board, commission or committee member.

Board Information


The mandate of the Board of Denturists is to protect the public's health and safety and to promote the welfare of the state by regulating the competency and quality of professional healthcare providers under its jurisdiction. The board accomplishes this through a variety of activities working with the Department of Health, Health Systems Quality Assurance division.

Board duties include:

  • Establishing qualifications for minimal competency to grant or deny licensure of denturists.
  • Prescribing, administering and determining the requirements for examinations and establishing a passing grade for licensure.
  • Regulating the competency and qualify of professional healthcare providers under its jurisdiction by establishing, monitoring and enforcing qualifications for credentials.
  • Establishing and monitoring compliance with continuing competency requirements.
  • Developing continuing competency mechanisms.
  • Evaluating and approving those schools from which graduation will be accepted as proof of an applicant's completion of coursework requirements for licensure.
  • Reviewing approved schools periodically.
  • Determine which states have educational and licensing requirements equivalent to those of this state.


The Board of Denturists is made up of four licensed denturists, a dentist licensed in the state of Washington and two public members, one of whom must be older than 65 to represent the elderly. All members must be Washington residents.

Public member representatives may not:

  • Be a member of any other healthcare profession; and
  • Be affiliated with any healthcare facility.

Board participation expectation guidelines

The following expectation guidelines are intended to serve as a reference for current members and prospective appointees of the board:

  • Attend regular board meetings, scheduled for one day on Friday every three months. There are also two practical examinations scheduled each year usually in the months of March/April and September. The board establishes its annual meeting schedule in September for the following year. There is also a Department of Health one-day Board, Commission, or Committee conference.
  • Prepare for all meetings by reading materials sent one to two weeks in advance of the scheduled meeting date. The packets take an average of two to four hours to read before each business meeting.
  • Assist newly appointed board members as necessary.
  • Assist Department of Health program staff by providing technical expertise, and other assistance as required.

Total annual time commitment

  • Meetings/Conferences: Two to four days per year
  • Meeting preparation: Two to four hours per meeting (about one day per year)

Performance guidelines for newly appointed board members

Attend an initial orientation about the board presented by Department of Health staff. This is about half a day in length. Initial orientation outlines the legal authority of the board, the roles and responsibilities of board members, ethics, confidentiality, the legal liability of board members and the Department of Health, the organizational structure of the department, and roles and responsibilities of department staff. 

Become a board, commission or committee member

Board Members

Name and term expiration date of members

Member Term Expires
Joshua Brooks, L.D. – chair December 31, 2027
Amy Varshock, L.D. December 31, 2027
James Anderson, L.D. - vice chair December 31, 2026
Melissa Brulotte, L.D. December 31, 2026
Keith Gressell, DMD December 31, 2027
Shirlynn Walter – public member December 31, 2026
Sandra McNaughton – public member December 31, 2026
Board Meetings

Meeting information

(subject to change)

Date and Location Activity Documents

April 7, 2025 at noon

Dental Collaboration Committee Meeting Agenda (PDF)

August 21, 2025

Hybrid  – L&I Headquarters
7273 Linderson Way S.W.
Tumwater, WA  98501

Business meeting  

November 7, 2025

Hybrid  – Department of Health
TC2, Room 167
111 Israel Rd. S.E.
Tumwater, WA  98501

Business meeting  
Board Meeting Minutes