Health care providers in the state who are enrolled in the Washington State Childhood Vaccine Program can order publicly-supplied vaccine at no cost. This page contains information for providers enrolled in the Washington State Childhood Vaccine Program on how to order publicly-supplied vaccine using the Washington State Immunization Information System.
Provider Online Ordering Using the Washington State Immunization Information System
Providers should use the following links to find out how to prepare and place an order online:
- Holiday Shipping: Childhood Vaccine Program doses will not be able to be shipped on certain days, impacting delivery dates. Please refer to the 2024-2025 Holiday Shipping Calendar (PDF).
- Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)/Recommended Order Quantity (ROQ) (PDF): This guide helps providers understand when to order vaccine and how much vaccine to order.
- Vaccine Ordering Quick Reference Guide (PDF): A quick reference on using the Immunization Information System to order online and electronically receive publicly-supplied vaccine.
- McKesson – Vaccine Receiving and Unpacking Steps, Tag Alert Monitor Information (PDF)
- Merck – Reusable Shipment Container Insert, Return Instructions, and New Packing Slip (includes vaccine shipping schedule and video on how to use the container for returns) (PDF)
Vaccine Allocation Plan
The Vaccine Allocation Plan (PDF) describes the Department of Health’s (DOH) vaccine allocation strategy for fall respiratory immunization products during times of limited supply. This includes a strategy to address (a) phased in or limited supply at the beginning of the season or start-up of a new product, and (b) limited supply or production issues leading to limited product availability for a specified period.
During times of limited availability of a vaccine or immunization product, our goal is to balance accessibility, supply, and demand. The goal is to implement an approach that equitably offers products across the state and mitigates disparities in access. Allocation strategies are used until supply meets demand.
Online Vaccine Returns Process
- FluMist® Quadrivalent Replacement Program 2024-25 Season (PDF) (CDC)
- Online Returns Frequently Asked Questions (PDF): This document includes provider questions on online returns and related issues in the IIS.
- Online Returns Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
- Vaccine Loss Log (PDF): Use this form to report all vaccine loss that results in unusable vaccine.
- Vaccine Loss Policy (PDF)
- Merck Frozen Vaccine Shipping or Delivery Issues, CDC/VFC Vaccine Inquiry Tool for VARIVAX (Varicella Virus Vaccine Live), ProQuad® (Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Varicella Virus Vaccine Live), and/or diluent.
Vaccine Choice
In April of 2011 Washington State transitioned from a Limited Choice state to a Full Choice state. Childhood vaccine choice lets the provider choose products they think are the best fit for their clinical practices and patient needs. In addition, vaccine choice recommendations by the Washington Vaccine Association (WVA) to Department of Health (DOH) are required by the law that created the WVA and preserved universal vaccine purchase in Washington. The WVA recommendation is to allow provider childhood vaccine choice. This method assures broad stakeholder support for continuing universal vaccine purchase.
All enrolled providers in the Washington State Childhood Vaccine Program (CVP).
Enrolled providers have the opportunity to select the brand and presentation of vaccine they receive if there is more than one option for a vaccine type. Vaccines that do not have more than one brand option are automatically on all order sets.
Vaccine choice occurs when a provider first enrolls in the CVP and then twice a year thereafter. Vaccine Choice usually takes place in April and October and is open for a minimum of two weeks. After the Vaccine Choice period ends it can take up to a month to update all order sets.
The preferred submission method is through the IIS Childhood Vaccine Selection Tool, email or FAX. or 360 236-3811 (fax to e-mail) or 360 236-3597
If you have further questions or need assistance, please e-mail: or call 360 236-2829.