![Immunization Quality Improvement for Providers logo graphic](/sites/default/files/legacy/images/8200/IQIP-graphic.png?uid=67a7a1f6bff01)
The purpose of IQIP is to promote and support the implementation of provider-level quality improvement strategies designed to increase vaccine uptake among childhood and adolescent patients in adherence to the ACIP-recommended routine schedule.
IQIP is available for providers that belong to the Washington Childhood Vaccine Program. If you are interested in participating in an IQIP visit, please contact immunizewa@doh.wa.gov.
Every year in Washington State 250 clinics participate in the IQIP process. It was formerly known as the Assessment, Feedback, Incentives and eXchange (AFIX) program. During the past years, many providers were assisted in implementing evidence based quality improvement strategies to increase their immunization rates, qualify for the Immunize WA Award and meet HEDIS immunization measures for Childhood and Adolescents.
Below are resources the help your clinic implement quality improvement strategies to improve immunization rates.
Strategies to Improve Rates by making a Strong Recommendation
Talking with Parents about Vaccines for Infants
Immunity Community - A Conversation Guide for Healthcare Professionals
Addressing Parents Questions and Concerns About Vaccines
HPV-Specific Strong Recommendation
Talking to Parents about HPV vaccines
Strategies to Improve Rates Using the Immunization Information System (IIS)
Running the Coverage Rate Report (PDF) (instructions)
Using the Reminder/Recall system in WA IIS (PDF)
Managing Patient Ownership and Status (PDF) (instructions)
Video: Patient Active/Inactive Status in the IIS for Owning Organizations
Multi-language Reminder Recall Letter for Immunizations and Well Child Visits (Word) - Languages include English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Somali, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Amharic, Arabic, Ukrainian, and Marshallese.
Strengthen Vaccination Communications
Sample policy statements for clinics to share with patients.
Immunization Action Coalition Sample Vaccine Policy statement for clinics (PDF)
Provider Discussion Guides on Immunizations and Diseases
Social Media Materials for Clinics
Facilitate Return to Clinic for Vaccinations
Multi-language Reminder Recall Letter for Immunizations and Well Child Visits (Word) - Languages include English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Somali, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Amharic, Arabic, Ukrainian, and Marshallese.
HPV Vaccine at Nine
Update to HPV Forecast
On January 20, 2023, the Washington State Immunization Information System (IIS) updated the human papillomavirus (HPV) forecast to start at age nine. Read more about this change and find important resources.
HPV Vaccinations Starts at age 9
Take a Shot against Cancer! (PDF)
HPV Don’t Wait to Vaccinate (PDF)
Age 9 Announcement Approach Pathway (PDF)
Cancer Prevention through Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination (January 26, 2023)
Additional HPV Materials for Your Practice and Your Patients
HPV vaccine is cancer prevention - Questions, answers, and materials for parents, adolescents, and young adults from the Washington State Department of Health.
Customizable Reminder/Recall Card – Your Adolescent is Due for a Health Checkup! (includes HPV, Tdap, and meningococcal reminders)
HPV Reminder Dose Cards
Other Resources for Parents
Clear Answers and Smart Advise about your Baby’s Shots (PDF)
Immunization Schedule
Immunization Timing for Children 2021 (PDF)
Other Resources
The Community Guide - Immunizations
Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) Handouts for Staff and Patients
10 Steps to Implementing Standing Orders for Immunization in Your Practice Setting (PDF)
Training for Clinicians
WA Department of Health Immunization Training and Webinars
Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia