Welcome to the Hospital and Patient Data Section. We collect and publish critical information that helps people in Washington live healthier lives.
By providing current, high-quality health data about community hospitals in Washington State, we help people make better-informed decisions about healthcare and health plans. These data are also used by policy makers, health professionals, community-based organizations, and researchers to understand trends, identify high-risk populations (and geographic areas), set prevention priorities, and plan targeted health promotion strategies.
We've grouped our data into several sections as shown on the left navigation menu. Hospital Discharge Data has information about hospital census and charges by various categories, Hospital Financial Data has information on hospital financials and utilization. Data sets include the Comprehensive Hospital Abstract Reporting System (CHARS), the inpatient discharge database that describes each individual patient's hospital stay.
Data are distributed as raw data sets, statistical tabulations, webpages and through printed reports, including Washington State Charity Care in Washington Hospitals. We're proud of the effort put into capturing, analyzing and providing quality data. Please explore these pages and let us know what works, or doesn't work, for you.