License Requirements


Which License Pathway Should I Apply For?

Applicants are encouraged to look closely at the full licensure requirements found in each link, assess the professional goals, and determine the best option for one of the licensure paths below. 

Temporary Practice Permit – WAC 246-808-140

  • For applicants who only plan to provide chiropractic services for 30 days or less.
Temporary Permit Requirements

Per RCW 18.25.190(1) a chiropractor who wishes to practice under RCW 18.25, for a period not to exceed 30 days, must submit a temporary permit application. Per WAC 246-808-140, applicants must be currently licensed, in good standing in another state or jurisdiction, that is deemed substantially equivalent by the commission.

The commission has determined that the licensing requirements of all the states of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or province Guam. And the U.S. Virgin Islands are substantially equivalent.

  • Applicants must list all states where credentials are or were held, including where applicant has applied but a credential was not granted. A verification form must be completed and submitted by the jurisdiction where the applicant is or was credentialed.
    • You must send the form to the jurisdiction for completion. The jurisdiction sends completed form directly to the commission. 

No fees are charged for this permit.  

Endorsement – WAC 246-808-135

  • For applicants seeking licensure that have an active license in any other state, territory of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, or province of Canada.
Requirements to Apply by Endorsement

Per WAC 246-808-135, applicants who have had an active chiropractic license to practice chiropractic in another jurisdiction including, but not limited to, another state, a territory of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a province in Canada, if the commission determines the qualifications are substantially equivalent to those of Washington.

The commission has determined that the licensing requirements of all the states of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, province Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and provinces of Canada are substantially equivalent.

You must also be able to attest that you have been engaged in the full-time practice of chiropractic or have taught general clinical chiropractic subjects at an accredited school of chiropractic.

When applying by endorsement, you will be required to submit an application and application fee.

  • Applicants must list all states where credentials are or were held, including here applicant has applied but a credential was not granted. A verification form must be completed and submitted by the jurisdiction where the applicant is or was credentialed.
    • You must send the form to the jurisdiction for completion. The jurisdiction sends completed form directly to the commission.
  • You must provide a complete chronology from pre-chiropractic schools to date of application. This will be listed on the experience section of the application.
    • All time breaks of 30 days or more must be accounted for.
  • Completion of personal data questions.
    • Applicants must answer personal data questions, part of the application. An appropriate explanation and required documentation must be sent with positive answers. If there is a positive answer to the professional liability claims history question, the applicant must send an explanation of the nature of the case, data and summary of care given, copies of the original complaint and the settlement or final disposition.
  • You must provide a letter of recommendation.  This is a form provided by the commission.

Initial Eligibility – WAC  246-808-105

  • For applicants seeking full licensure as a first-time license holder of if they don’t meet the requirements to apply by endorsement.
Requirements to apply for initial eligibility

When applying by initial eligibility, you will be required to submit an application and fee.

Please see below for additional requirements.

Graduation from an accredited college approved by the Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission and show satisfactory evidence of a resident course of study of at least 4,000 classroom hours of instruction. 

  • You must provide an official transcript and diploma certified by the registrar, from an approved chiropractic college.

Completion of not less than one half of the requirements for a baccalaureate degree at an accredited and approved college or university if the applicant matriculated after January 1, 1975. Applicants who enrolled before January 1, 1975, must show proof of high school or its equivalent.

  • You must provide official transcripts from pre-chiropractic schools showing successful completion of at least two years of liberal arts and sciences study.

National Examination Requirements 

Successfully completed National Board of Chiropractic Examiners Test Parts I, II, III, and IV.

  • You must provide an official certificate of proficiency sent directly to the Commission from the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Parts I, II, III, and IV.

Experience Requirements 

Must have complete chronology from pre-chiropractic schools to date of application. This will be listed on the experience section of the application.
All time breaks of 30 days or more must be accounted for.

Out of State Verification

Applicants must list all states where credentials are or were held, including where applicant has applied but a credential was not granted. A verification form must be completed and submitted by the jurisdiction where the applicant is or was credentialed.

  • You must send the form to the jurisdiction for completion. The jurisdiction sends completed form directly to the commission.

Completion of personal data questions

Applicants must answer personal data questions, part of the application. An appropriate explanation and required documentation must be sent with positive answers.

If there is a positive answer to the professional liability claims history question, the applicant must send an explanation of the nature of the case, data and summary of care given, copies of the original complaint and the settlement or final disposition.

Letter of recommendation

You must provide a letter of recommendation.  This is a form provided by the Commission.

Jurisprudence (JP) Exam

Once your application and fee are received, you will be mailed the state JP exam, you must complete the exam and return to the Commission within 30 days. This is an open book written examination. The passing score is 95 percent. WAC 246-808-115

Preceptor – WAC 246-808-190

  • For licensed chiropractors who would like to provide direct supervision to clinical postgraduate trainees or regular senior students. To meet the requirements to be an approved preceptor.  You must have held a chiropractic license in Washington for five years.
Requirements to apply as a preceptor.

When applying to be a Preceptor, you'll be required to submit:

  • An application and application fee.
  • Verification of approval to participate in a preceptorship by a commission approved and accredited chiropractic college or university. The approval letter must include:
    • Full name of the supervising doctor and student;
    • Location of practice; and
    • Duration of time in which the student will be under the chiropractor’s supervision. 
  • Evident of malpractice insurance for the supervising doctor and each clinical postgraduate trainee or regular senior student assigned to the approved supervising doctor. 

The student seeking supervision will need to submit the Chiropractic Preceptorship (Senior Year Student/Postgraduate Trainee Form (PDF).


Process for Approving/Denying Applications

Applications and supporting documents are reviewed to make an initial determination on eligibility, if there are any questions on eligibility, the application is then reviewed by a panel of the commission for determination. 

Credentialing staff review the application and supporting documents to make an initial determination on eligibility. Credentialing supervisors approve applications that don't have positive answers to personal data questions, have questionable verifying documents or are otherwise "red flag" applications. "Red flag" applications are forwarded to the exception application process for determination by the appropriate disciplining authority.

An applicant will be formally notified of a denial and has the opportunity for a hearing.

Renewal Requirements

Chiropractors must renew their license every year on or before their birthday. Chiropractors are required to complete 25 hours of continuing education yearly. The commission has approved specific categories of continuing education material. WAC 246-808-150.

Chiropractic X-ray technician

Education Requirements

Completion of a course of instruction of not less than 72 hours of classroom instruction, 30 of which are in-person learning. The course must be approved by the commission.

Commission-approved courses:

  • Susan L. Vlasuk, DC, DACBR

Please submit an official letter from the course instructor.

An applicant who holds a current active registration from a national certifying agency or other governmental licensing agency whose standards for registration are equal to or exceed the standards under these rules or a person who has graduated from an accredited and commission approved chiropractic school or collet within five years prior to submitting their application may register without examination or additional course completion. 

Applicants list all states where credentials are or were held, including where applicant has applied but a credential was not granted. A verification form must be completed and submitted by the jurisdiction where the applicant is or was credentialed. Applicant sends form to jurisdiction for completion. The jurisdiction sends completed form directly to the department.

Applicants must answer personal data questions. An appropriate explanation and required documentation must be sent with positive answers. If there is a positive answer to the professional liability claims history question, the applicant must send an explanation of the nature of the case, data and summary of care given, copies of the original complaint and the settlement or final disposition. If pending, applicant must indicate status.

Additional Information/Documents Required
  • Verification of passing a written and practical proficiency examination in radiologic technology, which is approved by the commission.
Process for Approving/Denying Applications

Credentialing staff review the application and supporting documents to make an initial determination on eligibility. Credentialing supervisors approve applications that don't have positive answers to personal data questions, have questionable verifying documents, or are otherwise "red flag" applications. "Red flag" applications are forwarded to the exception application process for determination by the appropriate disciplining authority. An applicant will be formally notified of a denial and has the opportunity for a hearing.

Renewal Requirements

Chiropractic X-ray technicians must renew their registration annually on or before their birthday. They're required to submit the appropriate fee, renewal card and complete six hours of continuing education annually. WAC 246-808-209