Frequently Asked Questions

Who can qualify for the forensic phlebotomist credential?

In order to qualify for the forensic phlebotomist credential, the applicant must be a police officer, law enforcement officer, or employee of a correctional or detention facility. See the definition of "forensic phlebotomist” under RCW 18.360.010.

What is a forensic blood draw?

A forensic or law enforcement blood draw is when a person's blood is drawn at the direction of a law enforcement officer in order to test the person for alcohol, cannabis, or any drug, because of a search warrant, a valid waiver of the warrant requirement, when urgent circumstances exist, or under any other authority of law.

What are the training requirements?

The training requirements are under WAC 246-827A-0030.

Will I have to renew my forensic phlebotomist certification?

Yes. You must renew your forensic phlebotomist certification. After the initial renewal, the forensic phlebotomist certification must be renewed every two years by the credential holder's birthday. Initial credentials issued within 90 days of the credential holder's birthday don't expire until the credential holder's next birthday. A person issued a credential on July 15, 2018, with a birthday on August 6 will need to renew the credential by August 6, 2019, August 6, 2021, August 6, 2023, etc.

Once my initial forensic phlebotomist certification is issued, when does it need to be renewed?

See WAC 246-12-020. Initial credentials issued within 90 days of the credential holder's birthday expire on the credential holder's birthday the following year. If you're issued a credential on August 1 and your birthday is September 15, you'll renew the credential on September 15 the following year. If you're issued a credential on August 1 and your birthday is December 15, your renewal will be due on that birthday. After your first renewal, you'll need to renew your credential every two years on or before your birthday.

How much is the application and renewal fee?

See our Fees webpage or WAC 246-827A-990 for fees associated with the forensic phlebotomist credential.