Medication Assistant Endorsement | Nursing Assistant
Medication Assistant Endorsement
A nursing assistant-certified with a medication assistant endorsement administers medications and certain treatments to residents in a nursing home under the direct supervision of a designated registered nurse.
- I have an active nursing assistant-certified (NAC) credential. In addition to my duties as a NAC, what functions does the medication assistant endorsement authorize?
A nursing assistant-certified with a medication assistant endorsement is authorized to administer certain medications and perform certain treatments in a nursing home, under the direct supervision of a designated registered nurse.
- As a nursing assistant-certified, am I allowed to perform the duties of a medication assistant without the endorsement?
No. A medication assistant endorsement is required before a nursing assistant-certified can perform medication assistant duties.
- When can I apply for the medication assistant endorsement?
You may submit your application for medication assistant. However, we will not issue medication assistant endorsements until July 1, 2013.
- Who offers the training program?
The Nursing Commission Education Unit maintains a list of available programs. You may search for medication assistant programs using the Nursing Commission program list. After you complete your search you may use your browser's back button to return to this page.
- What is the effective date of the medication assistant endorsement rules?
July 1, 2013.
- Where can I work with the medication assistant endorsement?
The medication assistant endorsement can be used only in a nursing home.
- Is there an application and/or renewal fee for the medication assistant endorsement?
Yes. Credentials must be renewed every year on the practitioner's birthday.
- The application for endorsement fee is $25.00
- The endorsement renewal fee is $10.00
- What are the requirements for a medication assistant endorsement?
Initial applicant requirements:
- Be certified as a nursing assistant-certified, with a certification in good standing
- Successfully complete a Nursing Commission-approved medication assistant education and training program, within the immediate year prior to the date of application
- Complete at least 1,000 hours of work experience in a nursing home as a nursing assistant-certified within the immediate year prior to the date of application
- Pass the Nursing Commission-approved medication assistant competency evaluation. Each applicant must successfully complete a written competency evaluation
- What are the requirements for the medication assistant endorsement if I already have an out-of-state credential to be a medication assistant?Frequently Asked Questions
If you hold a current out-of-state credential for medication assistant and the requirements for that credential included successful completion of curriculum adopted by the National Council of State Board of Nursing, you may qualify for licensure.
- Who can supervise a nursing assistant-certified with the medication assistant endorsement?
- A medication assistant requires direct supervision under a designated registered nurse.
- "Direct supervision" means that the licensed registered nurse who directs medication administration and Nursing Commission-approved treatments to a medication assistant, is on the premises, is immediately accessible in person and has assessed the residents prior to performance of these duties.
Nursing Assistant
- I didn't receive my renewal notice. How can I renew?
You may find information and instructions for license renewals here including instructions for those who don't have a renewal notice.
You'll need to know the renewal and penalty fees.
- I've already submitted my renewal several months ago and now I have a name change. Is there a fee to get a new license with my new name?
Yes, there is a fee for a replacement license. Make your check payable to Department of Health and mail in a copy of your name change document. Make it very clear the exact name you wish to appear on your license. If you don't need your license reprinted, you may submit the name change document and we'll update the computer. On your next birthday your renewal notice will include your new name and it'll be updated in our system.
- My license has been inactive for some time. When do I need a reactivation application form?
If one year or longer you'll need to complete a reactivation application form.
- My license has been inactive for three years or more. At what point do I need to re-train and re-test?
Any time after your license has been lapsed for three years or more, you must retrain and re-test unless you're current on the OBRA registry in another state. If you're current in another state then complete the reactivation application form and submit proof of license verification from the other state.
- I am on the OBRA registry. Why do I need a Washington State license?
To work as a nursing assistant-certified in the Washington state, you must have an active Washington Nursing Assistant-Certified (NAC) license.
The OBRA Registry is a database of individuals who meet the federal requirements to provide caregiving to residents in skilled nursing facilities. It is separate from health care licensure.
NACs who want to work in a skilled nursing facility in Washington state need to be active on the OBRA registry in addition to maintaining their NAC credential.
- I am now certified as a nursing assistant. Do I need to also maintain my registration?
No. The certification replaces the registration.