The School and Child Care Immunization Module is a feature of the Washington State Immunization Information System (WAIIS), an online registry of immunization records for people of all ages in Washington State. The School and Child Care Immunization Module is a free, secure, and easy-to-use web-based tool that allows users to track and manage student, child and school-level immunization information.
With the School and Child Care Immunization Module, users can access existing immunization records in the WAIIS entered by healthcare providers. This gives users the information they need to conduct important immunization work. The goal of this system is to improve compliance rates with immunization requirements and to support healthy, well-vaccinated children/adolescents.
The School and Child Care Immunization Module is available for school districts, schools, Early Childhood Education and Assistant Programs (ECEAPs), and child cares across the state.
If you are not a current user of the School and Child Care Immunization Module and you are interested in getting access, please scroll down to step 1. If you have question about the School and Child Care Immunization Module, please contact us by email at
Learn more about the School and Child Care Immunization Module
- School and Child Care Immunization Module Fact Sheet (PDF)
- School and Child Care Immunization Module Flyer (PDF) | Black and white version (PDF)
- School and Child Care Immunization Module FAQs (PDF)
- Training Guide for Schools (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF)
- Training Guide for Child Cares (School and Child Care Immunization Module for Childcares) (PDF)
This information is intended to assist school districts, schools and child cares in establishing and managing School and Child Care Immunization Module access. This page is designed to act as a toolkit to guide you through the School and Child Care Immunization Module onboarding process and aid in using the system.
Select any of the links below to jump to a specific section.
Part 1: Getting Access to the School and Child Care Immunization Module
Part 2: Implementing the School and Child Care Immunization Module
Part 3: Using the School and Child Care Immunization Module
Part 4: Ongoing Use of the School and Child Care Immunization Module
School and Child Care Immunization Module Document Library
Part 1: Getting Access to the School and Child Care Immunization Module
- Use the printable School and Child Care Immunization Module Onboarding Checklist (PDF) or the School and Child Care Immunization Module Onboarding Checklist for Child Cares (PDF) to guide you through each step of the onboarding process.
- Talk to your school/childcare administrators and IT staff about the School and Child Care Immunization Module. Use these School and Child Care Immunization Module Talking Points (PDF) to help guide the conversation.
- The first step in gaining access to the School and Child Care Immunization Module is to complete an Information Sharing Agreement. All organizations, including schools, preschools, and child cares, must sign one, of the two Information Sharing Agreements listed below. This is to ensure confidentiality, privacy, and security of WAIIS. Both agreements allow schools and child cares to use the School and Child Care Immunization Module to track compliance of the students or children in their care. Use the information below to determine which ISA is best for you.
- Information Sharing Agreement - Full Exchange (ISA): This type of ISA should be used for public school districts, private schools, charter schools, head start/ECEAP’s, and child cares who employ or are contracted with a licensed medical professional (ex. a nurse). This ISA grants the ability to view and print the Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS), School and Child Care Immunization Module reports and letters, and to add vaccinations dates to the IIS. For this type of access both a licensed medical professional and the superintendent, head of school, or child care administrator must sign the ISA.
- Information Sharing Agreement - Limited Exchange (ISA): This type of ISA is for private schools, charter schools, head start /ECEAPS and child cares who do not employ or contract with a licensed medical professional (ex. a nurse). This ISA grants the ability to view and print the Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS), and School and Child Care Immunization Module reports and letters but does not grant the ability add vaccination dates to the IIS. This type of access does not need a licensed medical professional to sign the ISA. It only requires the signature of the head of school or child care administrator.
- When you have selected the Information Sharing Agreement that is right for you, use the Information Sharing Agreement Reference Guide to guide you in filling out the document.
- Once we receive and process your Information Sharing Agreement, the School and Child Care Immunization Module team will reach out to you with the next steps. It takes about 30 days from the time the paperwork is received by our office for it to be approved.
Part 2: Implementing the School and Child Care Immunization Module
The information below provides examples and a framework for successful implementation of the School and Child Care Immunization Module to help in developing your own policies and procedures:
- Review the SCCIM Considerations Regarding HIPAA, FERPA, Parent Consent and Medically Verified Records (PDF) to guide the development of your policies and procedures for implementing and using of the School and Child Care Immunization Module.
- Consult your administrators regarding the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the release of directory information and student immunization records.
- Send a letter to parents (SAMPLE) (Word) explaining the changes in immunization recordkeeping at your school or child care.
- Send a memo to school staff (SAMPLE) (Word), such as secretaries and IT personnel, about the School and Child Care Immunization Module implementation, and how it affects immunization management..
- Consider sending an announcement (SAMPLE) (Word) to your local health jurisdiction or health care providers in your area about your change in record keeping.
Part 3: Using the School and Child Care Immunization Module
Roster Upload (Optional)
- The Department of Health offers an initial roster upload when a school district, school, or child care first starts using the School and Child Care Immunization Module. This eliminates the need for staff to manually build the rosters by hand and links each child with their school or child care. If you are interested in a roster upload, please review and follow the steps included on the Roster Upload Quick Reference Guide (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF)
- We recommend consulting with your administrators regarding the notification process for the release of directory information.
- Once the initial roster upload is completed, we recommend assigning a dedicated staff person at each location to keep the rosters up to date by adding and removing children as they enroll or leave.
- We offer roster uploads once a month all year long. Or twice monthly for those who remove withdrawn students/children from their rosters themselves. For more information on the roster clearing process please see the Roster Upload Quick Reference Guide (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF).
Creating Accounts
All users must review our training guide, watch the short video clips linked within it, and pass a brief post test to acquire a School and Child Care Immunization Module Account. It is important that each person getting access to the School and Child Care Immunization Module understands how to use it properly and efficiently.
- There are two types of access:
- Full Access – this type of access is for school nurses which includes the ability to enter immunizations.
- RNs who wish to delegate vaccination entry in the IIS to unlicensed staff with a limited account can use the School and Child Care Immunization Module Delegation Sample Form (PDF). Once the Delegation form has been completed, the delegating RN needs to fill out the WAIIS School and Child Care Immunization Module Update form to request delegation for the staff. DOH staff will then change the limited account to a full access School Module account. The Delegation form does not need to be sent to DOH. It is kept by the delegating RN.
- Limited Access – this type of access is limited to updating the roster and printing the CIS, reports, and letters. The vaccination view/ add and edit section of the School and Child Care Immunization Module is blocked.
- Each person who needs a School and Child Care Immunization Module account should: Review the Training Guide for Schools (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF) or Training Guide for Child Cares (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF) and watch the linked video clips within.
- Complete the School and Child Care Immunization Module Posttest and pass with 100%.
- Once you pass the post test you will receive an automated email with the steps to set up your account. If you do not receive these steps, please email us at
- Please note that accounts can only be set up for one School District. We cannot set up accounts that cover multiple Districts. If you work at multiple Districts or an ESD you will need to set up a different account for each.
Part 4: Ongoing Use of the School and Child Care Immunization Module
Beginning of the Year
- Complete the first roster upload of the school year:
- See the Roster Upload Quick Reference Guide (PDF) to see our detailed instructions for how to create and submit your roster for us to upload.
- Update School or child care Information:
- If any schools or child cares have had a name change update them by emailing us at
- Add a new school or child care to the system by emailing us at
- If the grades at your school have changed, follow the instructions to change them in the Training Guide for Schools (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF).
- Staff Account Management:
- If the lead, contact for the School and Child Care Immunization Module at your school or child care has changed please contact us at with the new lead’s contact information.
- For new staff who need to set up accounts please have them follow the instructions in Part 3. Creating Accounts above.
- To reset a password, get assistance accessing an account, or to inactivate the accounts of staff who no longer work at the school/district or childcare, contact the WAIIS Helpdesk at:
- Request a new RN delegation or rescind delegation of vaccination entry to unlicensed staff by using this form: WAIIS School and Child Care Immunization Module Roster Delegation form.
- Prepare for the Annual Immunization Report:
- Determine if your school, district, or child care will report through REDCap or the School and Child Care Immunization Module. We will send out a survey to collect this information as we get closer to the deadline.
- If reporting through the School and Child Care Immunization Module, have a plan to ensure that your roster is up to date.
- If reporting through our REDCap survey, identify a point person who will manually complete the report.
- Additional information about reporting will be sent out to your lead contact.
During the Year
- Continue roster uploads up to a bi-monthly basis. See the Roster Upload Quick Reference Guide (PDF) to see our detailed instructions for how to create and submit your roster.
- If you see duplicate records, have a set of twins that accidentally merged, or need other School and Child Care Immunization Module and clinical support please email us at
- Please note, we cannot accept any student or child identifying information via email. This includes names and dates of birth. When emailing us about a student or child please only include the SIIS ID number associated with their profile within the IIS. All emails sent to the School and Child Care Immunization Module inbox are subject to public records requests and are not secure.
End of the Year
- Determine how you plan to update student grades in the upcoming year. The School and Child Care Immunization Module Team can complete a roster upload to update grades and add new students/children. Follow these instructions to send us your roster in August: Roster Upload Quick Reference Guide (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF)
- Contact the WAIIS Helpdesk to notify them of any users’ accounts to be inactivated (such as former employees). After 4 months of inactivity, accounts are automatically deactivated and will require a password reset.
- Rescind delegation of vaccination entry to unlicensed staff no longer at the school or child care by using this form: WAIIS School and Child Care Immunization Module Roster Delegation form.
- Email the School and Child Care Immunization Module team at if your lead contact for the School and Child Care Immunization Module has or will change and send us the new leads contact information.
Data Entry Resources
- IIS Codes for Common Vaccine in Washington (PDF)
- Foreign Language Terms (PDF)
- CA Binational Immunization Guide Mexico/US (PDF)
- Ukraine Vaccine Record Interpretation (PDF)
- Reporting Duplicate Patients (PDF)
Additional IIS Resources
- Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) Resources
- IIS Training Webpage
- School and Child Care Immunization Webpage
- School Reporting Webpage
School and Child Care Immunization Module Document Library
- Fact Sheet (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF)
- Fact Sheet (School and Child Care Immunization Module) for Child Care (PDF)
- Frequently Asked Questions (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF)
- SCCIM Considerations Regarding HIPAA, FERPA, Parent Consent and Medically Verified Records (PDF)
- Healthcare Provider Announcement (SAMPLE) (Word)
- Letter to Parents (SAMPLE) (Word)
- Memo to School Staff (SAMPLE) (Word)
- Onboarding Checklist (PDF)
- Onboarding Checklist for Child Cares (PDF)
- Training Guide (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF)
- Training Guide for Child Cares (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF)
- Documenting Historical Vaccinations Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
- Polio Vaccine Documentation Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
- Roster Upload Quick Reference Guide (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF)
- Scheduling Reports Quick Reference Guide (WAIIS) (PDF)
- Student Compliance Report Quick Reference Guide (PDF)
This reference guide explains how to run reports to access student level data. - School Compliance Report Quick Reference Guide SCCIM (PDF)
This guide explains how to run reports to access aggregate data. - School and Child Care Immunization Module Talking Points (PDF)
- School and Child Care Immunization Module Delegation Sample Form (PDF)
- Covid Excel Report Quick Reference Guide (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF)
- Enter Immunity Quick Reference Guide (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF)
- Enter Exemptions Quick Reference Guide (School and Child Care Immunization Module) (PDF)