The Department of Health collects information on infants identified as deaf or hard of hearing (DHH). This information includes newborn hearing screenings, pediatric audiology evaluations, and early support services. Early identification helps babies who are DHH receive timely early support services. These services help prevent delays in a child’s communication and language skills. They also help with social-emotional wellbeing. When babies who are DHH receive support early, they are more likely to live their healthiest lives.
The Early Hearing Detection, Diagnosis, and Intervention (EHDDI) Program follows the 1-3-6 goals.
Newborn Hearing Screens and Audiology Evaluations
Hospitals test the hearing of newborns. Programs that screen the hearing of newborns are essential for the early identification of babies who are DHH. The EHDDI program works with Washington hospitals to accurately track the number of infants born in the state. This helps make sure infants receive a newborn hearing screening and any needed follow-up care.
Newborn Screening Data Dashboard: Has screening rates at different hospitals and the state’s overall rates. You can use this information to compare a hospital’s newborn hearing screening numbers with those of the state’s.
View the Newborn Screening Data
The Audiology Dashboard Summarizes information about babies referred to audiology clinics. Data comes from primary care providers, audiology clinics, and the Early Support for Infants and Toddlers (ESIT) program. Some infants in this report may have been checked at more than 1 clinic.
The EHDDI program thanks the audiologists and hospitals for making sure infants receive quality diagnostic screenings and care. We hope this information helps make your Universal Newborn Hearing Screening (UNHS) program more effective.
Contact Us
For information or questions related to the Washington Tracking Network, email DOH.WTN@doh.wa.gov.
For more information about the EHDDI program, email ehddi2@doh.wa.gov.