CHARS Reports

Hospital Inpatient Discharge Database Reports 2013 - 2023

Quick links

These quick links go to the full year CHARS PDF and Excel reports and supporting documentation listed below:

2023 l 2022 l 20212020 l 2019 l 2018 l 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013

Definitions of terms used in reports

  • Hospital Census and Charges – summary by Hospital Name and Licensure. Acute, (R) Rehabilitation, (P) Psychiatric, or (S) Swing Bed.
  • Hospital Census and Charges by Patient Zip Code – Hospital, Zip Code of Patients, Census and Charges.
  • Hospital Census and Charges by DRG – Diagnosis Related Group, Hospital, census and charges. Note: 2013-2021 files use the MS-DRG grouping structure. Files from 2022 forward use the APR-DRG grouping structure.
  • Hospital Census and Charges by Payer –Hospital, Payer, Census and Charges
  • WA Resident Demographic Data – summary of expanded CHARS demographic variables (starting in 2023): disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, preferred language and race


2023 Full Year CHARS Standard Reports Discharges - Excel files


2022 Full Year CHARS Standard Reports Discharges - Excel files


2021 Full Year CHARS Standard Reports Discharges - Excel files


2020 Full Year CHARS Standard Reports Discharges -Excel files


2019 Full Year CHARS Standard Reports Discharges - Excel files


2018 Full Year CHARS Standard Reports Discharges - Excel files 


2017 Full Year CHARS Standard Reports Discharges - Excel files:
Inpatient = 655,078 / Observation = 106,666

Supporting Documentation


Full Year CHARS Standard Reports Discharges - Excel files
Inpatient = 649,996 / Observation = 106,191

Supporting Documentation


Full Year CHARS Standard Reports Discharges - Excel files
Inpatient = 648/004 / Observation = 108,837

Supporting Documentation


2014 Full Year CHARS Standard Reports Discharges - Excel files:
Inpatient = 633,906 / Observation = 115,723

Supporting Documentation


2013 Full Year CHARS Standard Reports Discharges - Excel files
Inpatient = 631,451 / Observation = 110,041

Supporting Documentation


For more information please call Center for Health Statistics at 360-236-4321.