Newborn Screening Facility Search:
Provider ID / Type | Provider | Address | Phone / FAX |
C2587 Clinic |
Miller Family Pediatrics | Miller Family Pediatrics |
P:3608187500 F:3608187503 |
C2013 Clinic |
Milman Office | Milman Office |
P:4253530808 F:4253530722 |
C2812 Clinic |
Minerva Medicine | Minerva Medicine |
P:4258420675 F:4252644102 |
C2012 Clinic |
Miramar Health Center | Miramar Health Center |
P:5095439280 F:5095795914 |
M0921 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Miranda Montellano CNM Anacortes Midwifery Care |
Miranda Montellano CNM |
P:3602988044 F:2169305958 |
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