Newborn Screening Facility Search:
Provider ID / Type | Provider | Address | Phone / FAX |
C1334 Clinic |
Renton Pediatric Associates - Renton | Renton Pediatric Associates - Renton |
P:4252715437 F:4256564212 |
C1344 Clinic |
Republic Medical Clinic | Republic Medical Clinic |
P:5097753153 F:5097758929 |
M0644 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Rhonda Grantham Wild Rose Midwifery |
Rhonda Grantham |
P:3607424764 F:8887440571 |
M0908 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Rhonda Mitchell, LM | Rhonda Mitchell, LM |
P:7276678039 F:4252741553 |
M9586 Midwife (Birth Attendant) |
Rice Chelsea LM CPM | Rice Chelsea LM CPM |
P:4252004046 F:2532480153 |
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