Renew Laboratory Radioactive Materials License

Renewal applications must be received 30 days prior to expiration of the current license. This qualifies your license for timely renewal which allows your current license to remain in effect until the Department has processed your application.

Requirements to Renew a License

Note: The application must be signed by a company official with fiscal authority before you submit it for review.

Submit Renewal License Application

Email completed application and supporting documentation to the Radioactive Materials Section.

If completed documents cannot be submitted electronically or you are submitting fees, send to:

Washington State Department of Health
Radioactive Materials Section
P.O. Box 47827
Olympia, Washington 98504-7827

Annual Fee

While the annual fee is not part of the renewal process, this fee should be paid and received by the Revenue Office prior to sending your license renewal package. See Radioactive Materials Licensing Current Annual Fees for fee information.

Before your license expires you will be billed for the annual fee. Payments are sent to the Revenue Office at:

Department of Health
Radioactive Materials
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, Washington 98507-1099