Registration Requirements

A humane society and animal control agency may apply to the department for registration for the sole purpose of being authorized to purchase, possess, and administer sodium pentobarbital to euthanize injured, sick, homeless, or unwanted domestic pets and animals. Any agency so registered shall not permit a person to administer sodium pentobarbital unless such person has demonstrated adequate knowledge of the potential hazards and proper techniques to be used in administering this drug.

All humane societies and animal control agencies are inspected before a registration is issued, and periodically to ensure compliance with laws and rules.

Background questions

Applicant must answer background questions related to the owners, partners, managers, etc. If there is a positive answer to the professional liability questions the applicant must send an explanation of the nature of the case, data and summary of care given, copies of the original complaint, and the settlement or final disposition. If a case is pending, applicant must indicate status.

Additional information/documents required

Written policies and procedures must be submitted with the application for registration. The policies and procedures must include:

  • Require completion of approved training by each of the agency's agents or personnel who possess and administer approved legend drugs or sodium pentobarbital, before being approved to administer such drugs;
  • Establish a system for the secure storage of all drugs to prevent access by unauthorized personnel to guard against theft and diversion;
  • Establish a system for accountability of access, use, and stocking of drug inventory;
  • Ensure the proper disposal of all drugs in compliance with state and federal laws and rules; and
  • Establish a method to investigate and report the theft, loss, or diversion of approved legend drugs and sodium pentobarbital, in compliance with state and federal laws and rules.

A humane society or animal control agency must employ at least one person who has completed an approved training program or training that is substantially equivalent.

A humane society or animal control agency must designate a person responsible for maintaining all records and submitting all reports required by applicable law or rule. The designated person is also responsible for the ordering, possession, safe storage, and use of the sodium pentobarbital and approved legend drugs.

Process for approving/denying applications

Credentialing staff members review the application and supporting documents to make an initial determination on eligibility. The recommendation is based upon the requirements outlined in chapter 69.50 RCW, and Chapter 246-886 WAC. Credentialing supervisors approve routine applications that don't have positive answers to personal data questions, have questionable verifying documents or are otherwise “red flag” applications. "Red flag" applications are forwarded to the exception application process for determination by the appropriate disciplinary authority. An applicant will be formally notified of a denial and has the opportunity for a hearing to appeal the decision.

Renewal requirements

Humane society and animal control agency registrations are renewed annually on or before May 31 and may be renewed within 90 days of the expiration date.

A courtesy renewal notice will be mailed to registration holder's address of record. Renewals mailed to the department must be postmarked on or before the expiration date to avoid having the registration expire.

Location or ownership changes

A change of location to a different address requires a new application and payment of original licensing fees.

A change in the business structure or organizational structure such as a change from sole proprietorship to a corporation or a change of more than 50 percent of ownership in a corporation requires a new application and original licensing fees, including CSA.