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Licensing information - Licensing applications and forms, fee schedule, licensing requirements, AIT and endorsement process | More resources for health professionals | Healthcare Professional’s Demographic Data Survey
Current Topics
- Information for providers whose credentials have been affected by a drug conviction
- Health services executive qualifications and continuing education registry - The board requires all applicants pass the examination offered by the National Association of Long-Term Care Boards (NAB). In addition to examination development, NAB is now offering the Health Services Executive qualification.
- NAB is also offering a continuing education registry free-of-charge to long-term care licensees. More information is on the NAB flyer (PDF).
Rules update
The board is considering rules to allow for a retired active status. The board is also considering revising the expired license rules to require administrators who did not complete the required new administrator training before their license expired to show proof of meeting this before their license returns to active status. See the Rules in Progress page for more information.