The Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Skilled Nursing Facility Collaborative is a valuable opportunity for clinicians, pharmacists, and infection preventionists working in Skilled Nursing Facilities to enhance their knowledge and skills in antimicrobial stewardship. The collaborative will run from September 2024 – May 2025, and will consist of monthly 45-min sessions. Each session will include a concise presentation, hands-on activities, and Q&A. Benefits of participation include improved antibiotic use and survey readiness. Earn a certificate upon completion, demonstrating your enhanced stewardship expertise.
Register for collaborative sessions
Once you register, you will receive invitations for each session. You do not need to re-register.
- September- Introduction to Stewardship
- October- Basic Bugs and Drugs
- November- Asymptomatic Bacteriuria versus Urinary Tract Infection
- December- Antibiotic Use and Tracking
- January - Respiratory Viruses and Community-Acquired Pneumonia
- February- Communication Skills
- March- Appropriateness Criteria for UTIs
- April- Skin and Soft Tissue Infections

Certificate Requirements
- 8 online sessions with 1 optional in-person session (planned)
- Attend 6 out of 8 Sessions to receive certificate
- Attend Live via Teams or watch recorded YouTube webinar (scan QR code at the end to receive credit)
- Complete an AMS Quality Improvement project
- Pass a Quiz on AMS subject matter
*Registration for the collaborative is required to obtain certificate.
Youtube Playlist of Recorded Sessions
Quality Improvement (QI) Project Resources
- Attest to completion of AMS Quality Improvement Project
- Examples:
- Implementation of Antibiotic Time Outs conducted once a week by onsite providers.
- Update policies to include a written statement of leadership support for AMS
- Updated staff orientation paperwork to include AMS policy and requirement to document dose, duration and indication for every antibiotic prescribed.
- All nurses and nurses' assistants took the Resident and Family Communicating about antibiotics course as a part of their annual training requirements.
- Implement an antibiotic tracking system for the most commonly used antibiotics at your facility
- Implement educational resources and commitment posters to decrease antibiotics for viral respiratory infections
Additional Resources: