Water Use Efficiency (WUE)

Service Metering Deadline Expires

On January 22, 2017, the ten-year deadline for installing meters on all service connections expired. All Group A community water systems serving at least 15 residential service connections should now have finished installing service meters. All progress made should be documented in the annual WUE report, which is due by July 1 each year.

For more information visit our new Water Metering page, or contact email WUE@doh.wa.gov.

You can check out more information on water meters and metering in the 2016 Measure Up (PDF) issue of our now archived H2Ops newsletter. We replaced H2Ops and Water Tap with our ODW Now newsletter.

Water Use Efficiency Webinar, February 2021

We hosted a Water Use Efficiency webinar, below are the PowerPoint presentations.

  1. Reducing Real Losses in Your Water System (PDF)
  2. Critical Role of Water Level and Pumping Data for Water Planning and Resource Management (PDF)
  3. WUE Webinar Sheryl Howe (PDF)
  4. Columbia River Basin 2021 Long-Term Water Supply and Demand Forecast (PDF)

Submit Your WUE Report Now

Water Use Efficiency Changes 331-669 (PDF). This fact sheet explains new WUE reporting requirements. The WUE form was due July 1, 2022, for the 2021 calendar year.

Water is a precious, limited resource. In the Pacific Northwest, drinking water for our growing population competes with other users that include agriculture, industry, recreation, and maintaining an adequate stream flow for fish. By working with public water systems to implement water use efficiency programs, we strive to ensure a safe and reliable supply of drinking water to meet current and future needs.

Water systems can help prevent potential health and sanitation risks to their customers by effectively planning and implementing water use efficiency (WUE) measures. This means fewer emergencies when water supplies are scarce, especially during summer months when it rains less, and user demands are high.

Use the links below to find information.

For More Information

If you have any questions, please call Brad Burnham 360-236-3102 or email WUE@doh.wa.gov.