- What is the effective date of the new reflexology profession?
July 1, 2013.
- I have an active massage therapist credential. Do I have to apply for a reflexology credential?
No, you don't need to apply for the reflexology credential. Reflexology is within the massage therapy scope of practice. However, you cannot use the title of certified reflexologist without first obtaining the certification.
- How do I obtain a credential as a reflexologist?
- You must successfully complete a course of study in an approved reflexology school, program or apprenticeship program which has a minimum of 200 hours of instruction and includes the skills identified in WAC 246-831-040.
- Pass the American Reflexology Certification Board (ARCB) written examination.
- Complete a Department of Health application and pay the application fee.
- Successfully complete the online Washington State Reflexology Jurisprudence Examination.
- Will I have to renew my reflexology certification?
Yes, the certification must be renewed every year on the practitioner's birthday.
- How much is the application and renewal fee?
See the reflexologist licensing information webpage. Fix link once page is done
- How long does the application process take?
We do criminal history checks for all reflexology applicants. Those needing additional background information may take longer than routine applications, which can take up to six to eight weeks to process. We may issue certifications within 14 days following receipt of all required information. While we appreciate your interest in obtaining your certification, in order to allow our office to continue the processing of applications in a timely manner, we request that you don't call regarding the status of your application for a minimum of six weeks from the date of submission.
- How do personal data questions affect my application?
A “yes” answer to a personal data question, or the existence of a criminal conviction, don't automatically prohibit the department from issuing a credential. If you answer “yes” on any of the personal data questions, or if criminal history appears on a criminal background check, we'll evaluate your file on an individual basis. The application now becomes an exception file and the normal application processing time doesn't apply.
- With an out-of-state license, may I begin practicing once you have my application?
No. You need a valid Washington State reflexologist certification before practicing as a reflexologist.
- May I get a temporary or limited permit?
No. There is no temporary or limited permit available for reflexologists.
- I'm nationally certified. Do I need a license in Washington to practice?
Yes. No person may practice reflexology or represent themselves as a reflexologist without first applying for, and receiving from the department, a certification to practice as a reflexologist or a license as a massage therapist.
A person represents himself or herself as a reflexologist when the person adopts or uses any title or any description of services that incorporates one or more of the following terms or designations: reflexologist, reflexology, foot pressure therapy, foot reflex therapy or any derivation of these terms that implies a reflexology technique or method.
- Do I need to include my certification number on advertisements?
Yes. A certified reflexologist's name and certification number must conspicuously appear on all advertisements, including business cards.
- Do I need to display my certification?
Yes. A certified reflexologist must conspicuously display his or her credential in his or her principal place of business.
- What if I don't have a principal place of business?
If the reflexologist doesn't have a principal place of business, or conducts business in any other locations, he or she must have a copy of their credential available for inspection while performing services within their authorized scope of practice.
- May reflexologists use cannabis health and beauty aids in their practice?
Items defined in statute as cannabis health and beauty aids (CHABA) are legal for reflexologists to use in their practice.
- May reflexologists use cannabis-infused oils or lotions in their practice?
Items containing 0.3% THC or less are considered hemp or a cannabis health and beauty aid (CHABA). These products are legal for reflexologists to use in their practice. It's not within the scope of practice for reflexologists in Washington State to use any products, including topical lotions and oils that contain more than 0.3% THC on their clients – regardless of being medical or recreational and regardless of whether the client provides the product. In applying cannabis oils or lotions as part of reflexology, the practitioner would be illegally administering a Schedule 1 drug.
Please note that some links to federal government websites may be broken due to executive orders of the new presidential administration.