Early Hearing Detection and Support Resources for Families

In Washington State, approximately 170 infants are born deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) each year. All newborn babies should receive a hearing screening before being discharged from the hospital or by one  month of age

As a parent or caregiver, you can make sure your baby has every chance of catching hearing loss early by:

  • Knowing your baby's newborn hearing screening results
    (If you do not know the results or have questions about the results, contact your birthing facility or talk to your baby's doctor)
  • Taking your baby to have any follow-up testing that is recommended by his or her doctor
  • Starting early intervention services as soon as possible if your baby has hearing loss

Email EHDDI at ehddi2@doh.wa.gov or call 1-888-WAEHDDI (1-888-923-4334)