Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act Tribal Capacity Grants

HEAL Act Tribal Briefing

We are excited to announce that as of June 2024 we’ve granted funds to six Tribes, totaling $2,5 million.

Healthy Environment for All (HEAL) Act Tribal Capacity Grants are non-competitive grants awarded to eligible tribes to provide guidance and input to: 

  • Agencies on implementation of the HEAL Act,
  • The Environmental Justice Council  on implementation of the HEAL Act, and 
  • The Department of Health on updates to the Environmental Health Disparities Map .

In 2021, the Legislature passed the HEAL Act, which requires extensive tribal consultation by agencies, created the Environmental Justice Council, and resourced the Department of Health to maintain and update the Environmental Health Disparities Map. In fall 2022, the Environmental Justice Council in their Climate Commitment Act funding recommendations (PDF) and budget priorities (PDF) recommended the Legislature create a grant program to resource tribes, tribal organizations, and communities in engaging with HEAL agencies and the Environmental Justice Council. In 2023, the Legislature established this grant program. 


Amount of funding available: $11.7 million.

Estimated Funding Range: Base award up to $403,450. Additional funds will be redistributed based on availability. Tribal organizations will be eligible for any unspent funds, not to exceed 15% of $11.7 million.

Amount of matching funds required: None.

Indirect costs allowable: Yes.

Eligibility: Any Federally Recognized Indian Tribe with HEAL Act impacts to rights and interests in their tribal lands (RCW 70A.02.010).

Expected Period of Performance: Through June 30, 2025.

Application deadline:  October 31, 2024

Applications timeline and process

This funding process is non-competitive. Tribes may apply by completing the Grant Overview and Application (PDF) and sending it to Once completed, a member of our team will reach out to finalize your statement of work. 
For a summary of the HEAL Tribal Capacity grant, review the Readiness Checklist (PDF) . Information about financial, contract, and project administration considerations and eligible activities are included that can be used to determine readiness/eligibility to apply for the HEAL Tribal Capacity grant.

Send questions, comments or concerns to Kayla Stewart (Grant Program Manager) and Rachele Hurt (Tribal Relations Strategist) at

Funds may support activities that include, but are not limited to: 

  • Consultation with agencies regarding HEAL Act-covered activities, such as environmental justice assessments, agency rules, and agency request legislation.
  • Submitting to an agency (or agencies) a summary of issues, questions, concerns, or other statements regarding a proposed project with environmental justice impacts. 
  • Requesting and engaging in meetings with state agencies or the Governor’s Office to review and resolve consultation issues or disputes or participating in formal mediation for HEAL Act activities. 
  • Attending Environmental Justice Council meetings, subcommittee meetings, meeting with Councilmembers or staff. 
  • Providing comments, attending technical meetings, or interacting with Department of Health staff regarding the maintenance or updates to the Environmental Health Disparities Map.
  • Assessing tribal needs or impacts of the HEAL Act on a tribe or their community.

HEAL Act Overview Presentation Material

More information about this funding program

Related Links

  • HEAL Act
  • Environmental Justice Council  

DOH and other implementing HEAL Act agencies will hold additional briefings twice yearly with quarterly email updates for tribal partners. For more information, please contact the DOH Tribal Relations Director or DOH HEAL Act Staff.

Tribal Nations and the HEAL Act, Factsheet (PDF)