Fetal deaths occur when a fetus has reached 20 or more weeks of gestation but dies before birth due to natural causes. Infant deaths are deaths to infants live born and less than one year old. Fetal and infant death data come from fetal death and death certificates registered in Washington State.
View the Data
The Department of Health provides information through interactive dashboards. These dashboards allow users to:
- Find out more about our fetal and infant death data
- Interact with charts, maps, and graphs
- Export the data as a spreadsheet

How to purchase files
These are record level data files. Working with these data files requires use of spreadsheet, database management, or statistical software that are not provided. A Data Sharing Agreement (DSA) is required to access all vital records data, now including death data. Sample Data Sharing Agreement
A DSA documents the conditions under which the Department of Health shares limited datasets containing potentially identifiable information with outside entities. By signing the DSA, the recipient(s) of the data agrees to not link information with any other information that could identify an individual or use the information to contact any individuals. Data may not be disclosed unless agreed upon in the DSA.
Data Files available for purchase
Fetal Death Statistical File (1992 to 2023)
Information about fetal deaths (≥ 20 weeks gestation); including cause of death, mother's age, and fetal weight. Only annual files available.
Fetal Death Data Dictionary 1992-2018 (Word)
Fetal Death Statistical File - Data Dictionary and Crosswalk (Excel)
Infant Death Statistical File (1981 to 2023)
Information from the medical and statistical section of the birth certificate linked to death certificate data for infants less than 1 year of age. Only annual files available.
Data Dictionary 1981-2015 (Word)
Infant Death Data Dictionary and Crosswalks (Excel)
More information
- Vital Statistics Technical Notes (PDF) provides more information about all vital statistics data, including data quality and recommended uses.
- 2010-2022 Highlights – Vital Statistics Factsheet (PDF)
- Overview Table (Excel) provides a historical context for interpreting vital statistics in Washington State from 1910 through 2022. This table shows live births, deaths, infant deaths, and fetal deaths for Washington residents.
- WSIRB - Research
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Our office has these topics: CHARS Data Users, Vital Statistics Data, and BRFSS Data Users.
Contact us
Email us at:CHS.DataRequests@doh.wa.gov