Chronic Hepatitis Surveillance

Chronic Hepatitis B and C must be reported to health authorities in Washington State as stated in WAC 246-101.

Health care providers, facilities, and laboratories must report chronic hepatitis on a monthly basis to the health department in which the patient resides, or to the provider's, facility's, or laboratory's health department if the patient's residence is unknown.

Local health departments must report to the Washington State Department of Health within seven days of case investigation completion or summary information within 21 days of receiving the case report.

STD, Adult Hepatitis and Syringe Services

Emalie Huriaux
Program Manager

360-236-2315 (office), 360-485-5225 (mobile)

Sarah Deutsch

Drug User Health Consultant

Sean Hemmerle

Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Consultant

Hepatitis surveillance

Tessa Fairfortune

Hepatitis Surveillance Epidemiologist

Jennifer Lam

Hepatitis Surveillance

Hepatitis prevention and testing

Jon Stockton
Adult Viral Hepatitis Prevention Coordinator, Business Development Lead

Willie Rhodes Jr

HBV/HCV Testing Coordinator

Shana Paulsen

Disease Intervention Specialist

Mailing Address

Washington State Department of Health
Adult Viral Hepatitis Prevention Section
P.O. Box 47840 Olympia, WA 98504-7840

Additional Resources