General | Practice Information | Renewals | Inactive License | Retired Active License
- I need my license verified to another state. How do I do that?
A podiatric physician who needs their Washington license verified to another state must make a written request to the Department of Health. The request, along with the appropriate fee and the specific address where the verification is to be sent, should be mailed to:
Checks or money orders are payable to:
Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099
Practice Information
- Is a podiatric physician allowed to function as an assistant surgeon?
A podiatric physician is able to function as an assistant surgeon so long as their involvement is limited to assisting the primary surgeon and the procedure is within the statutory scope of practice for podiatric medicine. The assistant surgeon must also be approved for privileges at the facility. The only acceptable instance when a podiatric physician functioning as an assistant surgeon is able to take over the surgical procedure from the primary surgeon is if the procedure is within the statutory scope of practice of podiatric medicine and surgery. “Take over” means the primary surgeon is not present.
- What do I do if I have a question about whether an individual practice modality is within the scope of podiatric medical practice?
Requests regarding a practice modality should be submitted to board staff for inclusion on the next business meeting agenda. Requests must be made no later than six weeks prior to a scheduled meeting date and must include as much information as possible to facilitate board discussion. The board may make a decision or defer the matter to a future meeting if the board determines more research or information is needed.
- How do I renew my license?
Podiatric physicians must renew their licenses annually on or before their birthday. They are required to submit the appropriate fee every year, and attest to 100 hours of continuing education every two years. Please keep your address updated to receive courtesy renewal notices.
Checks or money orders are payable to:
Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099
- How long will it take to process my renewal?
If you send it by mail it will take about two weeks to update. If you bring the payment to the front counter, it will take about three to seven business days. This saves mail time and you'll receive verification during the visit. If you complete your renewal online, the updated information will show on our provider credential search.
Our goal is to process all renewals within seven business days after we receive them. This includes payment and processing time.
- How do I renew my license without a renewal notice?
Courtesy renewal notices aren't required for renewal. You may update your credential by mailing your renewal payment to us with documentation of your name, license number, current mailing address, and any other renewal requirements.
You may also contact our Office of Customer Service or see your profession's webpage for current renewal fees and requirements
Avoid an expired license
Don't let your license expire. You must make sure we have your renewal before it expires. Otherwise, you won't be allowed to practice. A timely postmark on your renewal won't prevent an expired license. Renewals sent by mail take about two weeks to process.
Inactive License
- How do I get an inactive license?
You must have an active podiatric physician license. You can request an inactive license in writing, and pay the inactive status renewal fee and impaired provider surcharge.
- May I practice in Washington with an inactive license?
No. RCW 18.22.125 indicates you may not practice podiatric medicine in Washington State while you hold an inactive license.
- Is continuing education required to renew my inactive license?
No. Continuing education will be required if you choose to return your podiatric physician license to active status.
- How do I renew my inactive license?
Podiatric physicians must renew their inactive licenses annually on or before their birthday. They are required to submit the appropriate fee. Please keep your address updated to receive courtesy renewal notices.
Checks or money orders are payable to:
Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099
- How do I return my license to active status?
You can request your license be returned to active status in writing and pay the appropriate active fees. The request should include:
- Proof of 100 hours of continuing education for the previous two years;
- A written declaration that no action has been taken by a state or federal jurisdiction, or hospital, which would prevent or restrict your practice; and
- A written declaration that you have not voluntarily given up any credential or privilege, nor have been restricted from practice in lieu of, or to avoid, formal action.
Checks or money orders are payable to:
Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099
Retired Active License
- How do I get a retired active license?
You must have an active podiatric physician license. You can request an inactive license in writing, and pay the inactive status renewal fee and impaired provider surcharge.
- May I practice in Washington with a retired active license?
Yes, with limitations. You may practice under these conditions:
In emergency circumstances such as earthquakes, floods, times of declared war or other states of emergency.
Will practice no more than ninety days each year in Washington State.
- Is continuing education required to renew my retired active license?
Yes. You must complete 100 hours of continuing education every two years.
- How do I renew my retired active license?
Podiatric physicians must renew their retired active licenses annually on or before their birthday. They are required to submit the appropriate fee. Please keep your address updated to receive courtesy renewal notices.
Checks or money orders are payable to:
Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099
- How do I return my license to active status?
You can request your license be returned to active status in writing and pay the appropriate active fees. The request should include:
- Proof of 100 hours of continuing education for the previous two years;
- A written declaration that no action has been taken by a state or federal jurisdiction, or hospital, which would prevent or restrict your practice; and
- A written declaration that you have not voluntarily given up any credential or privilege, nor have been restricted from practice in lieu of, or to avoid, formal action.
Checks or money orders are payable to:
Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099