Drinking Water Alerts

This page contains information on Group A water systems that have an Active Alert within Washington state. Group A water systems have 15 or more service connections or serve 25 or more people 60 or more days per year.

Alert - Drinking Water

County Water System Date Issued Sort ascending Action Recommended Contact Phone Comments
Okanogan Coleman Butte Water Assn Boil Water 509-322-0581

This water system lost pressure. When water lines lose pressure, potentially harmful contaminants can enter the water system. As a safety precaution, residents should boil their water or use purchased bottled water until further notice.

Walla Walla Taggares Fruit Co Do Not Drink 509-329-2135

 Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Grant Winchester WB Rest Area Boil Water 3607056818

This water system experienced a normal outage with pressure loss. When water lines lose pressure, potentially harmful contaminants can enter the water system. As a safety precaution, customers should boil their water or use bottled water until further notice.

Cowlitz Cedars Recreational Vehicle Park Boil Water 360-281-2650

This water system experienced pressure loss. When water lines lose pressure, potentially harmful contaminants can enter the water system. As a safety precaution, residents should boil their water or use purchased bottled water until further notice

Stevens Country Villa Mobile Park Do Not Drink 509-675-2291

 Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Grant Weber Farms Orchard Housing Do Not Drink 509-760-0825

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Pierce Town of Wilkeson Boil Water 360-601-0748

This utility is planning maintenance activities that could disrupt water pressure. When water lines lose pressure, potentially harmful contaminants can enter the water system. As a safety precaution, residents should boil their water or use purchased bottled water until further notice.

Klickitat Riggleman Orchards Inc Do Not Drink 509-281-0415

Comments: Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Walla Walla Tri-Fresh LLC Do Not Drink 509-547-1771

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Walla Walla Sun Harbor SW Do Not Drink 509-521-7373

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Franklin Coulee Flats Dairy Do Not Drink 509-575-3999

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

San Juan Kanaka Bay Park Boil Water 360-317-8335

Tests show total coliform present in the water. Customers should boil their water or use bottled water until further notice. More information is available on our coliform webpage.

Whatcom Rader Farms Labor Camp Do Not Drink 360-318-1143

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Grant Sunny Springs Resort & Campground Do Not Drink 509-760-0825

This water system is using a source with unknown water quality. As a safety precaution, the utility recommends that customers drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Whatcom Willeys Lake Terrace Water Association Do Not Drink 360-739-4416

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

King City of Skykomish Boil Water 206-484-0778

This water system experienced a main break with pressure loss. When water lines lose pressure, potentially harmful contaminants can enter the water system. As a safety precaution, customers should boil their water or use bottled water until further notice.

Island Olympic Marine View Boil Water 503-554-8333

Tests show E. coli present in the water. Residents should boil their drinking water or use purchased bottled water until further notice. More information is available on our coliform webpage

Douglas Clayton Orchards Housing Do Not Drink 509-760-9044

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Benton Lineage Logistics Do Not Drink 541-310-9516

This water system experienced a structure fire and water quality is unknown. When water lines lose pressure, potentially harmful contaminants can enter the water system. As a safety precaution, customers should boil their drinking water or use purchased bottled water until further notice. 

Okanogan Liberty Woodlands Boil Water 509-322-0581

This utility is planning maintenance activities that could disrupt water pressure. When water lines lose pressure, potentially harmful contaminants can enter the water system. As a safety precaution, the utility recommends that customers boil their tap water or use purchased bottled water until further notice.

Douglas AFC Ranch 5 Do Not Drink 509-630-3163

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

King Crestview West Water System Boil Water 206-605-2988

Tests show E. coli present in the water. Residents should boil their drinking water or use purchased bottled water until further notice. More information is available on our coliform webpage

Skagit Cascade River Community Club Boil Water 360-961-0562

This water system experienced low pressure in a portion of the “Division I” zone. When water lines lose pressure, potentially harmful contaminants can enter the water system. As a safety precaution, residents should boil their water or use purchased bottled water until further notice.

Chelan Silver Bell Winery Do Not Drink (253) 377-1865

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Spokane Teen Challenge Do Not Drink 509-244-5610

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Clark Lake Merwin Camper Hideaway Sys 2 Boil Water (360) 247-5589

This water system experienced a main break with pressure loss. When water lines lose pressure, potentially harmful contaminants can enter the water system. As a safety precaution, customers should boil their water or use bottled water until further notice.

San Juan Hannah Heights HOA Do Not Drink 360-317-8335

PFOS and PFOA were detected at levels above the EPA’s health advisory level. PFOS and PFOA are unregulated contaminants. Customers on the west side of San Juan Island, southwest of Friday Harbor, should use only purchased bottled water for drinking and cooking until further notice.

Whatcom Glacier Springs Boil Water 360-966-5294

Tests show E. coli present in the water. Customers should boil their water or use bottled water until further notice. More information is available on our coliform webpage.

Douglas AFC Ranch 7 Do Not Drink 509-322-0581

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Pend Oreille Sravasti Abbey Boil Water 509-780-3369

Tests show E. coli present in the water. Residents should boil their water or use bottled water until further notice. More information is available on our coliform webpage

Clark First Friends Church Vancouver Boil Water 360-695-4455

Tests show E. coli present in the water. Customers should boil their water or use bottled water until further notice. More information is available on our coliform webpage.

Garfield Hiway Trailer Court Do Not Drink 509-301-6933

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Whatcom Lynden BS – GSA Bellingham Do Not Drink 206-201-1431

This water system experienced pressure loss. When water lines lose pressure, potentially harmful contaminants can enter the water system. As a safety precaution, residents should use purchased bottled water until further notice.

Benton The Finley Shopper Do Not Drink 206-245-9230

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice. 

Klickitat Roosevelt Park Boil Water 541-739-1028


Tests show E. coli present in the water. Customers should boil their water or use bottled water until further notice. More information is available on our coliform webpage.

Walla Walla Florida Power and Light Do Not Drink 509-386-8751

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women, and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Adams Schrag EB/WB Rest Areas Do Not Drink (509) 324 6583

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Okanogan Emanuel Heights Water System Boil Water 509-322-0581

The water system reported damage to the reservoir foundation. As a safety precaution, the utility recommends that customers boil their tap water or use purchased bottled water until further notice.

Adams Four Seasons Campground Do Not Drink 509-257-2332

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Stevens Marble Water System Do Not Drink 509-732-4535

Unapproved water source. Residents should use bottled water until further notice.

Grays Harbor Humptulips Grocery Boil Water 360-987-2335

Tests show E. coli present in the water. Residents should boil their water or use bottled water until further notice. More information is available on our coliform webpage

Clallam Bullman Beach Boil Water 360-640-1411

Voluntary alert

Precautionary advisory due to the use of an unapproved water source. The GWI well must meet the surface water treatment standards including filtration and disinfection. As a safety precaution, the utility recommends that customers in the affected area boil their tap water or use purchased bottled water until further notice.

Spokane Great Northern Do Not Drink 509-448-5279, 509-747-7714

PFOS and PFOA were detected at levels above the EPA’s health advisory level. PFOS and PFOA are unregulated contaminants. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Chelan Rivers Edge Lodge Do Not Drink 253-377-1865

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Benton Sundance Improvement Assn. Do Not Drink 509-491-0788

Nitrate levels in the water system exceed safe drinking water standards. This can pose a health risk for infants, pregnant women and the elderly. Vulnerable populations should drink only purchased bottled water until further notice.

Jefferson Brandeberry Water System Boil Water 360-426-7063

Use of an unapproved water source (spring). Until further notice, customers should use bottled water or boil their tap water for one minute and allow it to cool. More information is available on our coliform webpage