Step 1: Initial Application, Change of Ownership, Amendment, or Expired Relicensure
We must receive and process your completed application before your facility can be inspected for licensing or licensed for operation. Submit to the department:
- Transient Accommodations License Application (PDF)
- Emergency Preparedness Plan - See our Guidance for Emergency Preparedness Plan (PDF)
- License Fees
Step 2: Inspection
Once you complete step 1 and we've had an opportunity to process your paperwork:
- Inspection conducted.
- Pass inspection.
- If the inspection is not passed and a Statement of Deficiency Report is required, submit the report to the Department of Health, P.O. Box 47857, Olympia, WA 98504-7857.
Step 3: License Issued
After the above steps are accomplished and approved, the transient accommodations license is issued and mailed to the owner/operator at the mailing address provided in their application or renewal.