Executive Office of Healthcare Innovation and Strategy

In the Executive Office of Healthcare Innovation and Strategy, we align public health, health care and social care systems to promote equitable access, strengthen the health workforce and systems of care, and drive innovation and evidence-based practice. 

We work to ensure that all people in Washington have equitable access to robust and responsive health and social care they need to thrive. 

We do this by: 

  • Leading equity-oriented health services research and evaluation, health workforce research and planning, and population health analytics. 
  • Implementing initiatives to improve supply and distribution of health workers.  
  • Facilitating innovation, quality improvement, and evidence-based practice in the health care delivery system. 
  • Implementing community-based outreach, care coordination, and linkage services to help individuals and communities access the services they need to be healthy.  
  • Supporting community health centers, rural health clinics, critical access hospitals, and other partners to ensure a robust health care safety net in Washington.