Frequently Asked Questions


I need my license verified to another state. How do I do that?

A naturopathic physician who needs their Washington license verified to another state must make a written request to the Department of Health. The request, along with the appropriate fee and the specific address where the verification is to be sent, should be mailed to:

Checks or money orders are payable to:

Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099


How do I renew my license?

Naturopathic physicians must renew their licenses annually on or before their birthday. They are required to submit the appropriate fee every year, and attest to 60 hours of continuing education every two years. Please keep your address updated to receive courtesy renewal notices.

You can renew online or by mail

Checks or money orders are payable to:

Washington State Department of Health
P.O. Box 1099
Olympia, WA 98507-1099

How long will it take to process my renewal?

If you send it by mail it will take about two weeks to update. If you bring the payment to the front counter, it will take about three to seven business days. If you complete your renewal online, the updated information will show on our provider/facility search.

Our goal is to process all renewals within seven business days after we receive them. This includes payment and processing time.

How do I renew my license without a renewal notice?

Courtesy renewal notices aren't required for renewal. You may update your credential by mailing your renewal payment to us with documentation of your name, license number, current mailing address, and any other renewal requirements.

You may also contact our Customer Service Office or see the fee webpage for current renewal fees and requirements

Avoid an expired license

Don't let your license expire. You must make sure we have your renewal before it expires. Otherwise, you won't be allowed to practice. A timely postmark on your renewal won't prevent an expired license. Renewals sent by mail take about two weeks to process.

Continuing Education (CE)

Category Designations
  • Category 1 – courses obtained from naturopathic-focused organizations
  • Category 2 – courses obtained from general medicine focused organizations
  • Category 3 – courses in areas of self-study or practice management

General CE Information

How many hours of continuing education do I need to renew my license?

Sixty (60) hours every two (2) years. The requirements are found in WAC 246-836-080.

Do I need to send copies of certificates of completion when I renew?

No. You must sign an affidavit of compliance that is on the renewal notice. Renewals are required annually, and the affidavit of compliance is required every two years.

If I don't know if I will be able to meet the requirement, may I get an extension of time to complete my continuing education requirement?

In WAC 246-836-080(7) allows naturopathic physicians to request an extension of continuing education requirements due to emergent or unusual circumstances. Such requests should be made several weeks before the due date to prevent delays in processing license renewals. Request must be made in writing and sent to the Board of Naturopathy program manager either by email at or by mail to:

Washington Board of Naturopathy
PO Box 47852
Olympia, WA 98504-7852

Pre-recorded CE Courses

Does “pre-recorded” include web-based courses that were never actually “live” presentations, such as Dr. Journal or UpToDate?

Yes. Courses that are asynchronous learning or web-based are considered “pre-recorded” so long as the courses meet the accrediting source requirements of the various categories.

For naturopathic-focused CE (Category 1), will pre-recorded offerings count?

Yes, so long as there is a mechanism in the course that triggers the issuance of a certificate.

Is this true for general medicine CME (Category 2) too?

Yes, so long as there is a mechanism in the course that triggers the issuance of a certificate.

Health Equity Continuing Education (CE)

What is the new requirement?

Starting in your first, full continuing education (CE) reporting cycle after January 1, 2024, you must complete a minimum of two hours of CE training in health equity every four years. See Part 15 of chapter 246-12 WAC.

When must I complete the training?

After January 1, 2024, you will have one full reporting period to complete the health equity CE training. After that, you must complete a minimum of two hours every four years.

Does the requirement change the total number of CE hours required?

No. The requirement does not change the total number of CE hours required. The health equity CE training requirement will be included in the existing 60 hours required per WAC 246-836-080.

Where can I find the training?

We identified a list of free training courses that meet the minimum requirement. The list will be updated on a regular basis. The list is on the Department of Health's Health Equity Continuing Education webpage.

Can I take a course that is not listed on Department of Health’s Health Equity Continuing Education website?

Yes. Your course must meet the educational requirements listed in WAC 246-12-830 and RCW 43.70.613.

Pharmacology CE

Do the 15 hours of pharmacology need to be obtained separately or are they part of the overall CE requirements?

They are part of the overall requirement and can be fulfilled through any of the Categories.

How do I document pharmacology if it isn't designated as such on my certificate, like courses that are ACCME accredited?

Acceptable documentation includes course completion certificates, transcripts, course descriptions, course brochures, or registration forms.

Can we count the medical cannabis training course as a pharmacology treatment modality for part of the pharmacology requirement?

Yes. The board-approved medical cannabis training course will count toward the pharmacology requirement.

Teaching CE

The rule states “one full-time work week” equals one continuing education hour. Does this have to be full-time employment?

No, to count teaching hours, the individual is not required to be a full-time employed teacher or faculty member.

Can it be cumulative? For example, if I am a part-time instructor and only work 20 hours per month, will 2 months as an instructor equal one continuing education hour?

Yes. The teaching hours are cumulative; once 40 hours are reached, these hours equal one continuing education hour for reporting purposes.

How do I – or can I – claim hours for teaching pharmacology courses?

Yes, if the course being taught qualifies as a pharmacology course. The teaching hours are subject to the calculation indicated above (a cumulative 40 teaching hours equals 1 hour of continuing education for reporting purposes).